AoS Help finishing a Thunder Lizard List

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by cyberhawk94, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. cyberhawk94
    Cold One

    cyberhawk94 Active Member

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    ++ Bastilidons 2,000 (Order - Seraphon) ++

    Core Battalion: Warlord
    Engine of the Gods: Curse
    Skink Priest: Heal
    Slann Starmaster: 5. Stellar Tempest
    5 Saurus Guard

    Core Battalion: Linebreaker
    Skink Chief: Skystreak Bow, Cloak of Feathers, Beastmaster
    Bastiladon: Solar Engine
    Bastiladon: Solar Engine

    Core Battalion: Hunters of the Heartlands
    5 Saurus Knights
    5 Saurus Knights

    This comes out to 1720 points. The last 280 I am so torn on. Between:

    - 5 Chameleon Skinks / 10 Shadow Warriors (to threaten back objectives, force my opponent to keep units back)
    - 5 more Saurus Knights / 3 Rippers (extra chaff / mobility / easier Ferocious Advance)
    - Salamander (-2 rend, but in Coalesced the Bravery is an issue)
    - Skink Starpriest. (Hand of Glory, Venom Buff on the double firing Bastilidon / Cheif on the charge)

    I thought the chameleons was an obvious choice, but the last event I went to they never helped much. Every opponent either had chaff they could leave behind without issue, or were ranged anyway.

    - I know I want an endless spell, (Burning head if I dont have many points left) but If I do have points left after I pick the last two units, Lifeswarm or Purple Sun? I took Lifeswarm to an event and it never really helped. People either killed a monster flat out, or only did a couple of wounds that the priest and engine could heal.
    - Im also torn on making the Slann or Skink Chief my general. Prime Warbeast is great, but more consistency on magic is really helpful to get comets off, and the slann makes slay the warlord harder for my opponent.


    Easy to complete Battle tactics: Ferocious Advance, Savage Spearhead, Monstrous Takeover, Broken Ranks. Two of these also give an easy bonus point for monsters. So without even trying very hard, you've almost capped out your secondary objectives. You are fairly vulnerable to low-drop shooting heavy lists though. A large shooting alpha strike could take out a unit or two really easily, and you only have 4 monsters and the units of knights actually visible.

    I know Im going to be seeing Lumineth, Nagash, and the new Stormcast, and Ive never played them before so Im not sure if there is something I am missing/ could use that would really help in those matchups.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2021
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  2. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    a unit of 2 salamanders and emerald lifeswarm will go well in it
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  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Might be worth another unit of knights and the star priest, they have good synergy, are fast, and can put out some decent hurt for the cost. Endless spells are up in the air, gemnids I know are quite useful though son consider taking them
  4. ProfessorSkink

    ProfessorSkink New Member

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    Your list looks very similar to the one I've been toying around with, except my battleline is two stegs instead of the cav and I only have one bastiladon. I've toyed with the triple threat bastiladons if you buff them enough they'll put out crazy damage, a star priest will give you some serious mortal wound output on the one that double taps. Salamanders are always good but I don't run them just cuz it's more fun to run the big stegs for me.

    I was torn on general too, prime warbeast is great but Arcane Might on the slann is hands down the best command trait in our army. Prevented me from miscasting last night and helps keep enemy spells locked down. There's too many ways to kill a front line general like the chief, the slann in the back with a 18" bubble for command abilities and protection from guard is going to keep him around longer.

    As for endless spells, emerald lifeswarm is 100% worth the cost. If you can get it off and your opponent lets it out they will live to regret it. Healing your big dinos up by 2d3 each turn is massive, coupled with heal from your priests my chief healed at least 12 wounds back against my SoB match last night and clinched me the game cuz he couldn't kill me quick enough.

    Nagash is just a case of focus firing and killing him as quick as possible, his army will crumble without him. I haven't played the new stormcast myself so I don't have too much to say.

    I'm not guna sugarcoat it, Lumineth may be our hardest match up. I played my exact list I'm prepping for a tournament against them, I don't think any other comp would have done better. They just do everything in the game better than us. They can spam the spell to get mortal wounds off on hits at 5+ with like 30 long range shots, 60 melee attacks with wardens doing 5+. Teclis is super hard to kill with his great save and ward saves and can auto cast spells on 10 which is very hard for us to stop. Their entire army are wizards and even the spells we need to stop they'll get as much of a bonus as we get or more to cast. They have a spell where you literally have to spend an extra command point for every single one you want to use. Start the turn with 3 command points? You actually only have 1 if they get this off (they will almost always with their bonuses). I have a very big problem with armies like Lumineth that actively stop you from playing the game, playing with a double command point handicap on our army which desperately relies on spamming them is very difficult. I threw everything I had into teclis that one game and he just refused to die, that's your main win condition. Wish I had better news but I'm not sure what in our army will be able to handle them. Their armor stacking, ward saves, and insane damage output is hard for us to deal with.

    Hope this advice helps, list looks good it'll be able to handle most things, even Sons if you play carefully. Lumineth is another story lol
  5. Chardling

    Chardling New Member

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    I wouldn’t leave home without a starpriest, hand of glory on double tap bastiladon is brutal and also generates extra CP on 5+

    also 5 chamos are great for the threat to your opponents rear

    would go for emerald lifeswarm to keep those big dinos alive

    all come to about 300.

    solid list, lots of hurty stuff in there
  6. t4tcliff

    t4tcliff Member

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    My list is sort of similar to yours. I bring an engine of the gods with arcane tome so he can buff my chief with hand of glory. I also opt to take a starseer over starpriest, the -1 save is just too powerful in the current meta and he grants a 3d6 charge too.

    Battleline i go knight screen, guard screen, and steg with bow

    Lastly I take one bastiladon because i dont think second one is worth when its only 9 shots on 4s and 3s i dont have enough cp left by that point to make it worthwhile. Pretty common for an unbuffed basti to do crap damage.
  7. cyberhawk94
    Cold One

    cyberhawk94 Active Member

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    See, I 100% agree with you on paper. In practice, I found that my opponents tended to focus fire one dino down in a turn, which meant there was nothing to heal. In a 5 game tournament, I summoned the lifeswarm every single game. Across the whole event it probably healed 4-5 wounds total. Now that said, it could be that they were focus firing down one at a time because I had that lifeswarm healing threat, but I didnt think to ask if it was effecting their strategy.

    It comes out to 305, and I only have 280 left, so I cant do all 3 of those. What would you cut?

    The 2nd one has been my absolute MVP. a lot of armies can remove one pretty quickly, so the backup is super good to have. Plus, ive had a few opponents completely ignore them because they felt like they needed to kill both to really effect my shooting, and 24 wounds on a 1+ is really hard to take out. Plus, since i run them in a Linebreaker, I get a free AoA on the non-double firing one first turn, so its still 3s and 3s.
  8. Chardling

    Chardling New Member

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    I would drop the lifeswarm then, keep your heal priest with your bastiladons and EoTG.
    if you’ve got them I’d run 3 kroxies with the starpriest, pretty solid unit choice now, drop the chamos, comes in at 280.

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