7th Ed. Non-8th Edition Discussion Thread!

Discussion in 'Other Armies Discussion' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, Nov 8, 2021.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Hello once again fellow Lizards,

    Given that a good lot of us started playing Fantasy in Editions prior to 8th, I've put up a thread to discuss any attempts to revive those Editions in forumites' gaming communities, debates over which edition is the best, which armies in previous Editions were best (@NIGHTBRINGER now's your chance to get back into tier-list making, I'd love to see 6th and 7th Ed army tier lists) and anything else related to Fantasy but not 8th Edition or TOW! Discussion about Lizardmen as well as all other armies is openly encouraged!
    Knoffles and Imrahil like this.
  2. Knoffles

    Knoffles Member

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    I probably buck the trend here as I really enjoyed 3-5th but although I played it, I never enjoyed 6th as much. I pretty much skipped 7th altogether and came back during 8th and loved it.
    I do think that every edition had good parts to it though. 3rd for me was around the versatility of options. Things like being able to form a turtle. The breadth of the magic. I love the art in the rulebook and the armies book with all the unit cards just holds a special place in my heart, if only for nostalgia.
    4th was the game changer though. Not quite herohammer but definitely heading that way. Mighty warriors and wizards causing devastation. The magic system using the card deck was just so much fun. I always think it was this edition that set the template for all those following, especially with the concept of army books. If I’m being honest, I don’t remember a huge difference between 4th and 5th rules. Bar the introduction of some of the missing army books and some campaign packs. (Myself and our friends were not what you’d call power gamers so although I’m aware there are some filthy combos you could take on characters in this edition, we didn’t. We had lots of troops etc.
    I suppose that holds true for any edition. If you wanted you could make broken (or very unpleasant) lists in all of them. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you have to.
    If I had to revisit any editions, it would definitely be 3rd or 4th.
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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I never played 6th edition and I barely touched 7th. I'm an 8th edition guy through and through. No real interest in anything else (unless TOW turns out to be surprisingly perfect).

    As far as army tier lists:
    • 7th edition: DE were extremely powerful and the DoC were essentially the most unstoppable and broken thing ever created
    • 6th edition: apparently I heard that the WE were really good, not sure though
    Imrahil likes this.

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