Anyone play any games with prime allied in? looked like a fun piece to mix up the same old same old army list
Prime has been a staple ally since the BT came out. Been doing well in both 3.0 and 2.0 tournaments. It's a great addition to an "all your heroes are now dead" build. Also provides decent rend 3 melee damage which we don't otherwise have.
Just playing a match right this min with a Stegadon Chief, played a match with the Prime beforehand for comparison. Currently preferring the Prime threat as I'm playing Thunderlizards and my Cheif is an aggressor and need to break out of my formation, to is vs my more defensive approach. The Prime isn't complex to use and for me was a nice addition to drop on something giving my defensive castle trouble. I've done a serious amount of research on units and Thinderlizard lists for us but I'm a newbie in terms of practical experience with only a handful of games though so take my thoughts with a pinch of salt
looks to be no, he gains +2 attacks if you leave him off the board for 1 turn. To capitalize on the MW attack, I would bring him on turn 2
The rend -3 alone makes him invaluable. He recently replaced the skink cheif in my lists and while Im sad to not use the Horned King, good god is the Prime amazing
Forgive my ignorance, but how do you play the Prime? Plus, can you actually field him in reserve if he's not in a Stormcast army? EDIT: Sorry, I just read his warscroll. I see that you can field him in reserve.
Most people seem to leave him in reserve buffing his attacks, then deepstrike him down and use his abilities to almost guarantee a charge on an important target,
Basically he fulfills one of three roles depending on the matchup. What makes him amazing is you can adapt those roles on the fly, and never have to pick in advance. Turn 1: If after your hero phase comet/realmshaper/etc they have multiple support heroes on 1-2 wounds left, bring him down and shoot them. Then he just is a mobile artillery piece that can fight for the rest of the game. (Lumineth, Nighthaunt, Grots, Seraphon) Turn 2: When I usually bring him down, great counter punch, auto-12 inch charge, 5 attacks, and still plenty of time for shooting. Turn 3: If you REALLY need him to punch hard in combat, you lose most of the benefit of the shooting, but 7 attacks hits like a truck. This is when I bring him down against armies like Archaeon and friends, some stormcast builds, maybe nurgle. Basically armies that the shooting wont hit more than 2 units, and dont have a huge alpha strike you need to try and pre-empt
I was a little uncertain, but looking online it seems like the rule is clear that every round you keep the Celestant Prime in reserve he adds 2 to his Attacks characteristic.
I cant imagine ever wanting to keep him off the board more than a turn or 2. thats a large amount of points not doing anything. Turn 3 is the latest id wait before bringing him down and charging into something.