Blog Quezca'Otl, Liberator of the Angry Jungles

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by iamtib, Dec 15, 2021.

  1. iamtib

    iamtib Active Member

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    The ground shakes with each step of the Stegadon as it moves through the disturbing jungle known as "Angry Jungles". Each earthquake caused by the heavy hooves of the huge beast is accompanied by the squeaks of satisfaction from the Sinks who are busy on the hoodah, each armed to the teeth. The huge golden bow perched above the Stegadon's head, bent and ready to fire the massive arrow.

    Wearing an immaculate golden mask, among the Skinks, Quezca'Otl looks proudly towards the horizon. This jungle belongs to him, conquered after bitter battles against his legendary opponents of the Skaven Mordkin clan. Their war has been going on since the ancient times of Lustria. Already then, Quezca'Otl was an unrivalled warrior, rising to the top of the society. After the Destruction of the Old World, he awoke in the realm of Ghur and found his loyal lieutenants. A natural leader, he took over the leadership of the few Skinks in the kingdom; the group quickly made a name for itself and legends began to spring up about the skilled Quezca'Otl and his band of Skinks who had taken up residence in the Angry Jungles. There, Quezca'Otl established his authority when he himself tamed the Stegadon Skreerok, a creature of ancient times.

    The Mordkin clan also spread the plague here, with renewed virulence since the rise of their dark God. Quezca'Otl saw his destiny here: to resume the battle interrupted in Lustria and to regain his place in the Great Plan of the Gods. On his Stegadon, accompanied by his faithful lieutenants and confederating the Skinks of Ghur, he fought Krakakt Wyldkill, the leader of the clan and Master of Poisons. The final battle took place in the Angry Jungles, as the exhausted Skinks gathered to fight their final battle and Quezca'Otl led the charge, crushing many of the rat men.

    As night fell, Krakakt took advantage of the darkness and passed between the Skinks' lines. He reached Quezca'Otl and leapt over the trees to land on the Stegadon. Quick as a flash and a master of assassination, Krakakt killed Quezca'Otl's aides one by one, only to find himself in a duel with the Chief.

    The Stegadon continued to slaughter the Skaven, making the platform unstable. But Quezca'Otl knew Skreerok's movements and rhythm better than anyone. Skilled with his weapon and taking advantage of the special bond he had with the Stegadon, several times his spear pierced the hairy body of the Skaven. With a final burst, Krakakt leapt up, gathering his last strength. Quezca'Olt took advantage of Skreerok's jerkiness as he smashed a Skaven's skull on the ground to leap higher than his opponent. Spear forward, he pierced the frail body of the Skaven. His death rattle was covered by Quezca'Olt's howl of victory that echoed through the Angry Jungles, giving his Skinks the courage to continue the fight. Victorious, Quezca'Otl finally allowed himself a moment of rest, his role accomplished.

    Later, from the depths of Ghur he heard the call of Teheyuqaltoc, the Dreamer of the Two Falling Stars, and accompanied by the best of his best, he joined the Starhost of the Slann, determined to fight through the Mortal Realms for the fulfilment of the Great Plan. His saga was not over.

    Finished this great model to join my ever growing Seraphon army. Thunderlizards FTW! Don't really know what to paint next but I have a Carnosaur still on sprue, I guess I can fit one in the army .. !








  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    This is awesome. Love the paint job here.
  3. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    This looks amazing! Great job :)
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Amazing piece of work, mate!

    Love the colorscheme, specially love your work on the scales and shields :artist::artist:

    Grrr, Imrahil
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Beautiful colors and base, please show us more pictures of stuff you paint!
  6. iamtib

    iamtib Active Member

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    Thank you guys! I'm so glad it came out this way, very vivid colours. I was worried that using more "earthy" tones on the Steg skin would tone down the whole thing so I used blue teal scales that echo the skinks' skin colour scheme. And the whole thing looks very cohesive, is very well integrated in my army while being very different from the red Engine of the Gods that I painted last month.

    Thanks! They take a while to paint as you can imagine! But I assembled the Old Blood on Carnosaur.. now to figure out a paint scheme and paint it! I like the "stock" colours beige/red/black a lot though. But i'll take a look through the pages here to get inspiration and see if I see something cool. Might add some more orange to the red. I'm torn haaha

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