that not a great idea. creul bois wouldn't even be able to play.(only one battle line option) it would also be very restrictive for list building. we wouldent be able to make skink focused lists since they are so cheep
They could just create a limit on a unit by unit basis. Skinks can pretty much be spammed as much as you want without them becoming problematic, but there's plenty of units like the dragons where a hard cap would be beneficial.
you really trust GW with balancing more crap? they have trouble as is let alone throwing a unit limit on things
O I'm sure they'll manage to screw that up as well in some way. I just expect this to limit their overal screw ups to some extend. Or at the very least, limit some of the more annoying screw ups, at an acceptable cost.
IMO people just need to get used to the hero phase move. I dont think they are as oppressive as you are making it out. Still very strong, could arguably go up even more, but I think the problem is exacerbated by a whole army with a mechanic that lets you do a lot of funky things, and most people just not understanding how to play with that mechanic. Also, i think its similar to warclans in that it forces armies to have screens and most armies are just now starting to actually build those back into their lists.
Warclans are already hard for a lot of people to deal with if they don't have multiple screens. An entire army that flies with the same ability to get across the whole board turn 1, combined with the smaller board means it will probably take a lot more than just screening to avoid them, since they will just jump screens if they're not deployed perfectly. Doesn't mean people can't and won't adapt to it, but I personally think that deployment is one of the more difficult things for people who aren't experts at the game to do well. You can win or lose games in deployment with regular armies, but against armies like Ironjawz and the new Dragons you pretty much have to deploy perfectly to avoid losing in turn 1. On the matter of the Dread Saurian, I really don't understand the nerf. GW seems to not want Forgeworld models to be used competitively, but they certainly hit some harder than others.
I hate how that is kind of true in regards to aos. 40k welll.... I don't think I've ever face a space marine player that hasn't fielded a contemptor hah
True! The 40k Forgeworld stuff definitely seems to see a lot more use. The game store closest to me with the most active gaming community usually bans Forgeworld models in their 40k tournaments, but not AoS. Shows that they don't think that the AoS FW models are worth banning, lol!
ep, GW doesn't like FW models, they often are "punished" trust me, for 40k is the same. Leaving aside some exceptions, many models are simply too costly (points wise) or lack proper synergies to be employed even at semi-competitive level.
Just thought I'd post a tournament top three list I came across: Surprised to see Cities of Sigmar at the top, but then again the Phoenix Guard/Fulminator combo is probably very good. Soulblight Blood Knight spam, we all know they're very strong. Surprised to see Nagash in there though. Guess he can still be competitive And of course another Dragon spam list. I'm guessing we'll be seeing a lot of those for quite some time.
Here's another tournament report: Gargants still a top-tier army, no surprise there. But it's interesting to see Kragnos included in a Gargants list. Stormcast dragon-spam still dominating. Nurgle was a bit of a surprise, but like the point out in the article they really play the "walk onto objectives and don't die" game well. Now I'm curious, is the meta for 3e always going to favor either tabling your opponent like the Dragons do or just sitting there and never dying like the Gargants and apparently Nurgle do? These tournament reports really seem to show that you have to play into one extreme or the other.,,
What boring, spammy, lists. 3 2000 point armies, for 3 different factions and we get a grand total of 9 different units combined between them... And most of the unique units are heroes, there's literally 3 different battleline units being used in total....
You're right, that is just...blah. This is exactly what people are talking about when they say that competitive play not only encourages spamming, but forces it. AoS rarely rewards bringing mixed lists. Instead, it rewards bringing as many of your one or two best units as you can and piling whatever buffs you can get onto them. Each army in the top three literally brought one type of battleline and whatever support heroes were needed to buff them. And AoS 3e was supposed to encourage more listbuilding diversity, lol!