Yesterdat's Rumour Engine: The blade and screaming face are perfect for Dark Elves , but the little box with power cable and light makes it less likely to be so... Grrr, Imrahil
Correct! We will see how this rurns out. Up till now it looks like a massive 40K duel box Eldar vs Chaos Grrr, Imrahil
And that solves all the Advent Rumour Engines and some more, after the weekend I will pick up all on them. Grrr, Imrahil
Had some time late last night. The only advent Rumour Engine that I could not figure out is the following: 12 December: Perhaps a change of weapon loadout for the Eldari? Grrr, Imrahil
The new duelbox of AoS solves two Rumour Engines: 23 November: 30 November: It looks like they are solving the Rumour Engines from the last backwards Grrr, Imrahil
I agree that's it either DoK, Chaos or Nighthaunt. It could always just be from a warband for Underworlds or Warcry, too. It looks like a possible Slaanesh whip. Not that I expect them to get more models, but it is GW.
The New Year's teaser revealed some Rumour Engines although without revealing to much of the model. There were 3 I could attribute to pending Rumour Engines: 6 April: 3 August 28 December: Grrr, Imrahil