AoS 1000 pt Kroak Seraphon Army

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Britt S., Feb 1, 2022.

  1. Britt S.
    Jungle Swarm

    Britt S. New Member

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    Hello! My husband and I are building our first army. He's chosen Soulblight Gravelords and I've gone with Seraphon because I had purchased Lord Kroak already. What are some good suggestions for a Starborne 1000pt army that had Kroak in it? Thanks for any advice!
  2. ProfessorSkink

    ProfessorSkink New Member

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    Welcome to the hobby! Seraphon are a good overall faction with a lot of flexibility and options based on play-styles, and since Kroak is 430 points you're halfway there to 1000 pts. I would suggest a skink start collecting box, with a powerful support hero, great long range shooting monster, and your skink battleline you can already make lots of options. Other than the start collecting you'd only need about one more unit for battleline reqs. More skinks never hurt they're better in numbers. Saurus guard are really good to protect Slann like Kroak too.

    For future collecting to 2000 pts look into salamanders they're a very powerful unit. A saurus astrolith bearer is almost mandatory in starbound with what he does. Lots of good support heroes in our faction.

    Also take a look at Warscroll Builder from Warhammer Community. Just google it and it really helps with list building. Hope this all helps!
    Britt S. likes this.
  3. Britt S.
    Jungle Swarm

    Britt S. New Member

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    Thank you so much for the advice!

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