Some old Easterling models... I don't recall those appearing in the recent past, when did Warhammer Community announce this?
These are indeed the old metal models. GW announced made-to-order packages on the 20th of January. Ordering will be enabled in February. Grrr, Imrahil
Those Moria Goblins would look great as Gundabad Blackshields, one of many units GW curiously has stopped selling for no reason
If we go down this path, know that this thread is about to be inundated with a bunch of Chaos Dwarf propaganda.
Likely not. Don't forget who you are talking to... the forum's posting king. You might not remember the Lightsaber vs. tanks battle that took place many moons ago. Much to the dismay of everyone else, that went on for many pages on end. Although, you like CD, so maybe I'd just go with Vampires.
I do not, mainly because I wasn't involved. Besides, I have survived your Vampire avalanche before, I can easily do so again... but can you survive the wrath of the Warherd?
I can hear @Lizards of Renown : Never one to disappoint, I shall answer the call. You mean a bunch of smelly creatures that roll around in their own filth and shit? Of all the Chaos factions, I find the Beastmen to be the least capable. For the record... Vampires > Beastmen Probably why the Beastmen never even got an 8th edition book!
Ironclad... good historical action film. Bears no relevance to C'Tan Shards, Chaos Lords or Sith Lords mind you Yet cowards also die, sometimes in humiliation and shame. Better to be respected and honoured than loathed and feared. The 7th Edition book didn't do us any favours there I must admit (GW bias again there perhaps?), but as I have mentioned before, other evil factions are barely any more hygienic (Orcs and Goblins openly throw their own shit at each other, Skaven are disease-carriers, I doubt Chaos Warriors and Chaos Dwarfs have special holes cut into their armour to enable toilet training and the Vampires themselves live in cobweb-riddled dumps, particularly the Ghoul Kings who barely have any more sentience than a Rottweiler). Evil just seems to be synonymous with awful hygiene. It's part and parcel of being the bad guy. Let's see, the Beastmen rule the forests that cover most of the Empire provinces, and roam across other continents of the world too, while the entirety of the Vampire Counts faction can't entirely hold even one Imperial province and one Bretonnian city. The power balance appears to be in my favour in the lore, even if GW failed to realise that in the game... Yet Skaven are one of the more capable and popular Chaos factions and didn't get one either (the 7th Edition one being strong makes little difference, the fact they still didn't get an 8th Edition book matters)... I do wonder if all the GW staff just ate some sort of derp pill at the beginning of 2014, because the next year or two that would follow were full of cock-ups (Beastmen not getting an 8th book being just one of them) - killing off Warhammer Fantasy and replacing it with easily the worst attempt at a wargame ever seen (it's improved by miles now but that still doesn't excuse the mess it originally was), releasing a new 40K edition two years two early that was little more than a rehash of the previous one with unnecessary extras, became humongously bloated and unbalanced and resulted in a crap rework of the rules and consigning Middle-Earth largely to Forge World where it has never really recovered.