AoS 2k List vs Sons of Behemat

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Nixonsheadinajar, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. Nixonsheadinajar
    Jungle Swarm

    Nixonsheadinajar New Member

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    Hello all,

    I'm trying to build a 2k list to take on one of my buddy's sons of Behemat. We are both fairly new players and so far none of our other friends have even killed a giant. So far I'm thinking TL with 2 reinforced packs of Sallies, a bastiladon or 2, and skink starseer for control fate to really pump out wounds on 1 giant at a time while I try to slow him down and distract him with skinks. My very much a work in progress list is below. Any lists or suggestions would be much appreciated!

    - Army Faction: Seraphon
    - Army Type: Coalesced
    - Subfaction: Thunder Lizard
    - Grand Strategy: Beast Master
    - Triumph: Inspired
    Skink Starpriest (130)
    Skink Starseer (145)
    - General
    Skink Priest (80)
    Skink Priest (80)
    Slann Starmaster (265)
    10 x Skinks (75)
    10 x Skinks (75)
    10 x Skinks (75)
    1 x Bastiladon with Solar Engine (250)
    1 x Bastiladon with Solar Engine (250)
    8 x Salamander Hunting Pack (280)
    8 x Salamander Hunting Pack (280)
    TOTAL POINTS: 1985/2000
    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
  2. ProfessorSkink

    ProfessorSkink New Member

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    Looks like a solid list, very shooty with the double bastiladons and four salamanders. The skink batteline won't last long as a screen the giants deal a ton of damage so make sure you don't give them the space to pile in and work around their bases. Remember a skink priest can only use his command ability once now, so you can't spam herald of the old ones. I'm not a fan of taking more than one, just cuz you can drop him and add another skink screen that could tie up giants. Also I'm not sure on why your skink starseer is your general, I would make the Slann your general and give him arcane might, really try to get comet's call off and get some global mortal wounds out. Control fate is really nice but guaranteed mortals from a spell with no range is amazing. You're tailoring this list to stop giants so as long as you keep the slann away from the giants you shouldn't need temple guard, but any list with shooting and no temple guard you will lose the slann.

    The buffed bastiladon with herald of the old ones and serpent staff shooting twice and the other bastiladon with all out attack combined with four total salamanders shooting should take down a single giant, the problem is getting in range. You're not going to be a one drop, so you'll need to deploy on your back line and keep out of giant charge range, then move up with the salamanders with star stone staff (that one you can spam), run and shoot and charge, and go ham. The last time I played giants the only reason I won was because I sat on my table edge as far from them as I could get and they failed all charges. I counter charged and finished them off one at a time.

    We got good defense against giants with our damage reduction and damage output from shooting but you gotta use finesse. You gotta bait the giants in. They swing hard but they aren't invincible. You just need to kill them quicker than they kill you. Tie them up with skinks and then fire away with everything else.

    Hope this helps! Good luck, Sons is not an easy faction to contend with. Let us know how it goes!
  3. Nixonsheadinajar
    Jungle Swarm

    Nixonsheadinajar New Member

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    Great points thanks for the help! 2 skink priests can each use herald of the old ones though, right? Obviously burns 2 CP but with the slann and skink starseer generating them I usually have enough. Being able to +1 hit a pack of salamanders and a bastiladon is pretty nice. Also it's 2 +1 save staff buffs or 2 chances at one the way I usually roll. I am also considering dropping 1 bastiladon for a 4th skink screen and an astrolith bearer but that feels a little worse, maybe a stegadon instead.
  4. ProfessorSkink

    ProfessorSkink New Member

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    AOS 3.0 only allows a unit to issue a command ability of a certain name to one unit. We used to be able to put herald of the old ones on two units if we had two skink priests, but now we can only use a command once rather than spamming. It’s the same rule where you can’t unleash hell twice. Star stone staff can indeed be spammed because it’s just an ability and only says it can’t be used on the same unit. The change in command ability use in 3.0 really hurt our book saurus needed multiple command point spams to be effective and now just can’t keep up with Everything now. You don’t need an Astrolith in a coalesced army, we get the 6+ ward from mystical terrain in our deployment now and you don’t need spell range as much when you use comets call and support spells. A stegadon is much more worth because it can shoot very well with the bow and can do good damage in close combat.

    You want to use serpent staff on the bastiladon because they have more volume of attacks than salamanders and salamanders cause mortals on hits anyways. You want to start stone staff the salamanders so they get a better save and way more mobility to run shoot and charge. Herald of the old ones should always go on a bastiladon because 4+ to hit is abysmal.
    Putzfrau likes this.
  5. Nixonsheadinajar
    Jungle Swarm

    Nixonsheadinajar New Member

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    Well swapping out the 2nd bastiladon for a steg took me to an even 2000 and it worked well. Won the battle 20 - 17 after all 5 rounds. With a fully pumped double bastiladon shot, both reinforced salamander packs and a timely control fate I took down a giant in 1 turn. This was after 2 turns of screening and maneuvering with comets call chipping them down along the way. As long as you can secure your first 3 battle tactics and stay close or ahead in VP the giants are more manageable than I expected. I don't know how this list would fare against any other army though. I do think I would take ProfessorSkink's advice and drop a priest for one more skink screen however. Being able to run/shoot with both sallies in a turn is nice but having another screen would probably have bought me another round of unmolested shooting. The CP generation from Slann/starseer/starpriest was huge, I had 5+ CP to work with almost every turn.
    Killer Angel likes this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    the main issue with giants is that you can build a list to counter them... but you need a specific (or, anyway, focused) one. And giants are harder to manage with an all-comers list.

    that said, good job! :)
    Bowser likes this.

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