Hello again everybody, I stopped playing Seraphon short before AoS and I am now coming back fully loaded. I know TL is the big thing now but I want to make a FoS List work and go more Skink heavy. So how would you build your skinks? I guess I want a big Blob of 30, buffed up by a priest. Boltsplitter for sure but Clubs or Shield? I feel like buffed up the Moonstone Club can actually do some work and we can get +1 to save via Mystic Shield and AoD. On another Note if you build Skinks as Screens of 10 do you than take the Shields to survive longer without putting other ressources into them? And which weapon? Thanks a lot for your time. I still have not played a game (since I want to paint first) and I dont know how all the buffs work together and what makes the most sense with 3.0
good news, skinks are good! always go shields we have had several people try to run clubs but it just gives your opponent additional combat turns to kill your guys. bolt spitter and shield is just better over all. and even if you go full skink i would still run TL or even just coalesced. coalesceds scaly skin is far to valuable to leave at home your game plan should be 1-2 blobs of 30 backed up by a star priest for poison (i run 2) a slann for counter spelling and some normal priests for +1 to hit or a EotGs to get consistent curse off. additional 10 man units for screens and either salamanders for anvil cracking or kroxigor for melee counterpunch and mirror counter.
Thanks for the reply! That is very good to hear as I like the look of shields much more haha. What exactly do you mean with additional combat turns? Shouldn't they last shorter with clubs? Yes that sounds much like the list I am intending, indeed coalesceds. I try to fit in Kroak just for the looks and maybe one Block of 30 is enough and it will be a mixed list after all with some salamander stuff and EotG for sure.
If you plan on buffing up your 30 skinks with his CA and getting them stuck in combat, then yes i think the melee option will be better. I run all of mine with shields because i dont play with a skink chief and because i tend to value defense over offense in a seraphon list since offense is so omnipresent in most lists. Gavin took this list to the Austin Open last year and went 5-0 Chief Engine Slann Starpriest starpriest priest 30 skinks 30 skinks 5 guard 1 basti Ran it in a hunters/warlord/command entourage. Melee skinks can be very strong if in the right list. Shields are probably the safer "all comers" option.
if you charge the opponent that gives him 1 more turn to hit you then he would have if you waited until he charges you while shooting him.
First of all, welcome back to the hobby. Yes, 95% of the times you should really equip skinks with shield. It's good for screens and it's generally much better. That said, you can go for club and have a nice result (as the example posted by @Putzfrau), but you must really have in mind a specific build and plan your tactic about it. So, clubs are a very niche option.