8th Ed. Rank your favourite WFB armies!

Discussion in 'Other Armies Discussion' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Sep 5, 2021.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Don't forget @pendrake ...


    Those "far less interesting" armies are probably a lot more popular! :p

    Nothing wrong with being in the minority. The fact that the Chaos Dwarfs are the most niche of the main-line armies (technically, the CD are not even a main-line army) only makes me like them more.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl I don't know about you, but my usual reaction to someone telling me that "blank" is really popular right now is to say "no thanks".

    Over the years, I've come to realize that I like what I like. Period. I'm totally fine with others liking what THEY like, but it's very much a personal decision.

    Who wants to be a sheep!

    (That wasn't an indirect attack on Minotaurs by the way ;) )
    Bowser, custodi, Knoffles and 4 others like this.
  3. BrotherSutek

    BrotherSutek Well-Known Member

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    View attachment 101739

    Those "far less interesting" armies are probably a lot more popular! :p

    Nothing wrong with being in the minority. The fact that the Chaos Dwarfs are the most niche of the main-line armies (technically, the CD are not even a main-line army) only makes me like them more.[/QUOTE]

    Dogs of War beg to differ but I know you said main-line army and not abandoned glory.
    Bowser likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Dogs of War aren't even an 8th edition army. As far as I know, they never got updated for 8th edition like the Chaos Dwarfs, Beastmen, Bretonnia and Skaven did.
    Bowser and BrotherSutek like this.
  5. BrotherSutek

    BrotherSutek Well-Known Member

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    They did not. They also didn't get a 7th edition list. Sad really what armies are ignored.
  6. Knoffles

    Knoffles Member

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    There are a few. I have a recurring issue of my flying Doombull failing frenzy checks at crucial times and barrelling into the worst possible foes (e.g. knight buses with runefang wielding grandmasters) - always funny. Or my misjudged thinking that a brasscleaver wielding Beastlord on Razorgor chariot will be able to singlehandedly rout a big unit. Both always quite amusing.

    possibly my favourite moment was a 50 ahw Gor herd going head to head with a cauldron witch elf horde. Both units were utterly decimated (it helped that my lvl 2 transformed into a mountain chimera and that definitely swung it in my favour but even without that, the damage was enough that the units had neutralised each other. It was glorious).

    I also have lots of memories of frustrating opponents by throwing so much cheap chaff into their faces, that their key units weren’t able to make any impact in the game (I suspect similar to anyone facing skinks!).
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    IDK... personally i was more used to run skink clouds with poisoned shooting.
    My opponents hated them even more. :p
  8. BrotherSutek

    BrotherSutek Well-Known Member

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    My friend who runs beasts always uses ambushers. The number of times he has had a unit of ungor run around shooting and march blocking my back field units is amazing. He tied up a unit of demigryph knights in one game thanks to his ability to roll leadership and march around them for turns! It's a fun army that they let slide.
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Imo certainly more fun than ogre kingdom

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I'd take Ogre Kingdoms over Beastmen any day!
    Bowser and Lizards of Renown like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Inline with the eagle-eyed astute observation of @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl , I have updated my order WFB army list to account for the Chaos Dwarfs moving past the Tomb Kings to take my top spot.

    My updated list is as follows:

    1. Chaos Dwarfs (⬆ +1)
    2. Tomb Kings (⬇ -1)
    3. Warriors of Chaos
    4. Lizardmen
    5. Vampire Counts
    6. Ogre Kingdoms
    7. Dark Elves
    8. Wood Elves
    9. Dwarfs
    10. Skaven
    11. Orcs & Goblins
    12. Daemons of Chaos
    13. The Empire
    14. High Elves
    15. Bretonnia
    16. Beastmen

    Internally I've denied it for a while, but Hashut has corrupted my soul. I still love my Tomb Kings, but the Chaos Dwarfs simply possess a couple of key factors that put them over the mighty TK.
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    In the end, we are simply debating about slight differences on a global level of awesomeness

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I couldn't agree more! The Tomb Kings have several advantages over the Chaos Dwarfs. Awesome Egyptian aesthetic, a far more interesting line up of named special characters, a larger army roster and of course Settra does not serve!

    However, in the end, for me the Chaos Dwarfs came out on top for several reasons:
    • Modelling ➤ I love the entire (Forge World) range of the Chaos Dwarfs (and the Hellcannon). There are no weak models in the range. The Tomb Kings, at least in my mind, can't make this claim. Sure the Tomb Kings have insanely awesome models such as the Sphinx, Casket, Ushabti, Stalkers, Necro Knights, Tomb Guard, etc.; but they also have a bunch of weaker models, most notably in their core. Core skeletons are quite dated and I have never liked the skeleton horses. This means that a sizeable portion of one's army consists of models that I have little desire to paint (this is the same thing that hinders Lizardmen in my mind). On the flip side, core Infernal Guard are some of my very favourite models in the CD range. The war machines are the best in the game in terms of aesthetics. CD characters are all amazing and the Bull Centaurs are fantastic. Probably the weakest models in my opinion are the Fireborn, and even those are pretty awesome.
    • Painting➤ This one is admittedly very personal, and a bit of a fluke, but I've never really been able to fully settle on a core paint scheme for my TK, LM or WoC armies. However, I've found something that I like for my CD. As a uber slow painter, I really need to like an army wide paint scheme in order to be able to commit to any level of painting. I have a basic idea for my TK, but I'm not 100% settled on it. WoC offer a bit more flexibility as I don't need to fully commit to an army wide paint scheme because of the four gods. Lizardmen have been the least successful for me in this aspect, having painted a few test pieces but never truly liking any of them.
    • Gameplay 1➤ There are a few things that bug me about the mechanics of the Tomb Kings, most notably is the fact that they can't march. The army feels very neutered if you ever find yourself out of position. TK have to be the slowest army in the game. Sure the actual Chaos Dwarfs only have movement 3, but they can always march. In addition, most of their units are significantly faster (M4, M6, M7, M9). In terms of characters, although they are M3, they can be put on a carpet or a flying mount and can never be march blocked!
    • Gameplay 2➤ It feels like the TK have no true viable hammer. While they can create a pretty potent hammer in the form of a horde of Ushabti, that unit is 900+ points and is way too slow to be viable for such a points investment. The Chaos Dwarfs on the other hand, they might have something of a hammer in their roster ;)
    • Gameplay 3➤ I really wish that the TK could stand and shoot. This is probably personal bias because I really want my beloved Khalida-star to be truly terrifying! Also, I wish the TK weren't forced to take a lore of Nehek wizard.

    BrotherSutek and Bowser like this.
  14. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    while undeniably true, i cannot blame the army or GW here.
    Back in the days, there was a undeniable difference between FW models and standard GW's models.

    Agreed. I don't mind the lack of a focused hammer, but those 2 points were really bad design, IMO.
    BrotherSutek, Bowser and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I think I'm just spoiled with my other armies. Lizardmen have our Scar-Vet cowboys, Chaos Dwarfs have the Destroyer and WoC have a whole slew of powerful options.
    Bowser likes this.
  16. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I wrote a novel about how I got into the Hobby Poll: Choose your favourite Dwarf army. There can be only one!

    I can't give you a ranked list, as my time in 8th was relatively short, then end times, then AOS. But I can tell you what I like about each of the armies. Warning: rambling about nothing in particular ensues.

    Orks and Goblins- Aside from the aesthetic, which is amazing, when I first started collecting 40k, there was rumour that Robin Williams also played. I just assumed that he would do O&G, and have fun hyperactive voices for the goblins, slow, dumb and hilarious orks, and celebrity impersonations for any named characters. We later found out that he collected armies, but never played. Ah well, still fun to imagine.

    Skaven- Let me tell you about Dean. Dean started playing shortly after I did. Dean was terrible, he read both the 6th and 7th Edition Skaven army books, he read any official novel with Skaven in it. What he did not read was the 8th edition rulebook. He would occasionally get confused, and try to use 6th edition abilities, or just make some up based on the fluff he read in one of the novels. He was sure they could do this. He once accidentally brought an extra 1000 points on to the battlefield. It was a ton of fun to play, as like the skaven of lore, we never knew what to expect. Once AOS rolled around, and only had a 4 page rulebook, he went from the worst skaven player to the best. Literally, he had some of the best army builds and strategies I have ever seen. Probably the best Skaven Player in all of Canada if he is still playing. No matter how unstoppable his team seemed, we always had a good game. Skaven are amazing in both fluff and crunch.

    Dwarfs- My friend who got me into warhammer played exclusively dwarfs. He had all of the units, and then some. I bought him some dwarf cheerleaders just to round out his collection. Unfortunately for him, he and Wil Wheaton share the same dice trickster god. Bad rolls, unless it was funnier for him to roll good. He owned multiple sets of artillery dice. Didn't stop him from blowing up at least one organ gun or cannon every game. On more than one occasion, he blew up 2 organ guns in one turn. However, he could have a lone dwarf warrior against a unit of saurus, and somehow come out on top. Amazing lore, even better named characters, and some of the most fun bits, such as pipes, tankard, and kegs, in the game.

    Elves- Whether High, Wood, or Dark, I didn't see much of them in play. The models were cool, Phoenix, Dragons, Ents, the Cauldron, all incredible models, made me want to get them just to have.

    Humans- Saw these even less than elves, but Bretonia with their green knights and jesters, trebuchet, pegasus and other horses, and the Empire with their Witch Hunters, the Celestial Arcanum, Karl Franz and his Gryphon. These were all very cool with a ton of interesting heroes and models.

    Ogres- Giant pirates with an insatiable appetite. I feel like I can somehow relate. Again, amazing models, more goblins (gnoblars) and Stonehorns/Thundertusk. What's not to like?

    Undead- Tomb kings, Egyptian themed skeletons and Mummies. Sign me the F up. Necrosphynx, Snake Guards, Arkhan, Nagash, and Settra. How do you put this much awesome into something, and then refuse to do anything more with them. The Vampire Counts have bat creatures, wolf creatures, and bat wolf creatures. The black Coach is an awesome sculpt. I don't know why the trophy for vampire models is to give them a sword and make them point, but I have at least two Strahds that do this. Either way GW subverts this by only having lime 6 out of 8 holding a sword and pointing. Others hold a sword and point with another sword, or hold a sword and point with a staff. So cool.

    Chaos Dwarves- Short dudes in giant hats. If you scroll through my link above you will see how wonderful and brilliant that truly is. They have Centaurs, fire cannons, war machines, and hobgoblins, that aren't allowed anywhere near the Orcs and Goblins. It's a shame there was really no support for these guys, and that the models were forgeworld exclusive. So only the very richest could afford this very rich army.

    Warriors of Chaos- Big bulky dudes, wearing the grimmest and dankest of armours, riding in on some amazingly designed creatures. Someone once offered to buy my Chaos Warriors from Hero Quest from me to fill out his ranks. So that was neat. Never once saw them on the battlefield, but did contemplate getting a few of the models. Puking Trolls, Big Demon Guy, Archaon, Giants and more ogres. Dang son sign me up.

    Daemons of Chaos- Honestly some of the most visually interesting sculpts with a great range and variety. 4 different chariots, the great unclean one, specifically the Forgeworld sculpt, and so much more. A painter and modelers dream come true.

    Beastmen- Cool goat and cow people, jabberscythe, the chimera. All so awesome. Super speedy, but seemed like a joke army, until someone unleashed the Minotaur, and rolled super well. Holy Hell what a nightmare, when that goes off right, it is game over.

    Lizardmen- The reason we have all come together, dinosaurs, a sweet Alliterative Aztec Aesthetic, joke named heroes, a frog mummy, and a frog not mummy. The skinks and chameleon skinks are a lot of fun to play, really cool looking. The Saurus- from the basic up to the old bloods and Chakax and Gor-Rok, these are some of my favorite things. The Carnosaur is a T-Rex being ridden by a dinosaur man with a Stark Industry Power Glove. Scar Vet Cowboys, a dinosaur man riding a velociraptor as a horse, how do you even scale that kind of awesome? The bastiladon converts into a Bowser so easily, it's absolutely the best model in the line, and possibly any line of miniatures. A small stinky toad that makes my pterodactyls go nuts on my enemy. Brilliant.

    TLDR- These are some amazing and super cool armies/models and I like them all. If I had unlimited time and Money, I would have them all.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2022

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    In which way?...
    • are you a giant?
    • are you a pirate?
    • do you have an insatiable appetite?
    • some combination of the above?


    If only this were true, because it would mean that I'd be among the very richest (which I am not :(, but I do own FW Chaos Dwarfs :)).

    Your point is taken though. Back in the day they were probably the most expensive army to collect. Now they are joined by the discontinued Bretonnia and Tomb Kings. The one thing the Chaos Dwarfs have going for them cost-wise is that they are an elite army, so you don't need as many armies. Still, they are pricy. Definitely a niche army due to cost and that fact that they don't have mainline GW army book (only the Forge World Tamurkhan book).
  18. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    The richest or the ones willing to make sacrifices :p (very fitting for Chaos Dwarfs as well ;) )

    Grrr, Imrahil
  19. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Yes. All of the above.
  20. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Jedi Master Bowser once again enlightens us with his tremendous knowledge and magnanimity!

    You make me feel quite ashamed of the delight I feel in dissing an army I don't like :oops: (but I could argue GW are the ones to blame in creating an army that happens to earn my dislike in the first place ;))

    The blades on the Minobus go round and round,
    round and round,
    round and round,
    the blades on the Minobus go round and round
    Until the enemy is cut to shreds :D

    (Feel free to add this as another entry for your "children's books" thread @Lizerd :p)

    I certainly plan to add a Minobus to my fledgling Warherd, at least 6 plus a Gorebull BSB, because it looks fun to play and its combat output is balanced out by its vulnerability to Frenzy-baiting.
    BrotherSutek, NIGHTBRINGER and Bowser like this.

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