Blood Bowl 2020 Lizardmen Tactics and Team Building

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Bowser, Apr 6, 2022.

  1. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Starting Rosters

    To start with let’s just use what is in the box set; the Gwaka’moli Crater Gators

    Out of the Box

    Position Cost

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Chameleon Skink 70,000 gp

    Chameleon Skink 70,000 gp

    2 Re-Rolls 140,000 gp

    Apothecary 50,000 gp

    Total 995000

    5 Saurus, 4 Skinks, 2 Chameleons, 2 Re-Rolls, and an Apothecary. Out of the box and table ready. You have one less reroll than you may like, however you do start with 5 out of the 6 Saurus Blockers, and the Apothecary should save you a Skink or Saurus the first few games. For 995 TV you buy the box, splash on a bit of contrast paint and you are ready to play straight from the box with a very versatile team.

    3 Rerolls

    Position Cost

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Chameleon Skink 70,000 gp

    Chameleon Skink 70,000 gp

    3 Re-Rolls 210000 gp

    Total 990,000 gp

    This one you will need access to an extra Skink, there are multiple ways to get extra skinks, including modifying the AOS skinks, or splitting an extra box with another Lizardmen player.

    Though I think printing, or using a printing service to print off a couple of the Brutefun Skinks is one of the best ways to go. This team does give you the 3 rerolls, which means you don’t have to pay 140,000 later on in the league to get it.

    Kroxigor Start

    Position Cost

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Saurus Blocker 85,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Skink Runner Lineman 60,000 gp

    Chameleon Skink 60,000 gp

    Chameleon Skink 70,000 gp

    Kroxigor 140,000 gp

    2 Re-Rolls 140,000 gp

    Total 1,000,000 gp

    Back down to 2 rerolls, but this comes in at exactly 1,000 TV, and gives you your big guy to start off with. If that is your playstyle, a quick trial exhibition match, or if you have a relatively short league- 5-7 games, I would say give this a try. This lets you play the range of the team, and the big guys are always fun. There are a lot of Kroxigor model options. Brutefun again has the STL, GW has for $52 CAD the forgeworld model, for $70 CAD the 3 pack of AOS Kroxigors, personally my favourite is Big Toad from Meiko Miniatures. Played too much Battletoads as a kid I think.

    Let me know how you would build your Lizardmen Team, if you have something different, we can add it in.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Quick Overview of the Players:

    The Chameleon Skinks are amazing for ball retrieval, with their On the Ball skill. Whichever Chameleon is closest to where the ball is landing can move 3 spaces to get closer to the ball, it basically gives you complete control of your back half of the field when you are receiving a kickoff. Passing on a 3+ you can easily have a 2 turn touchdown, and with 5 bashy Saurus keeping your skink safe, you should be able to outscore a lot of opponents. If you want to push it you can go for that one turn touchdown, which will be explained later. They also have shadow, which can be useful in cage breaking scenarios, though probably best used on a weaker team’s cage, such as Elves or Skaven.

    The Skinks should be able to get some easy SPP, one or two skinks every game, and should be getting a touchdown. However, don’t fall in love with a Skink. They always have a target on their back, and the chances of them dying, especially after taking some new skills, is very high. Proper blocking and positioning of the Saurus will only take you so far.

    Your Saurus are Strength 4 bruisers, even sturdy Dwarfs have a healthy fear of these guys. They are great blockers, and a movement 6 strength 4 blitz is always an amazing play. You start with 5 of them on this roster, so this should help you to make smart blocks, and hopefully gain some SPP from casualties alone. If you can start your league against a stunty team, Elves, or Skaven, you should have no problem getting some skills on them fairly quickly. Most effective skills to take: Block, Guard, and Might Blow. Some other skills to take

    Kroxigor is one of the best Big Guys in the Game. Prehensile Tail makes it hard for people to get away from the Krox, while Break Tackle makes it much easier for the Krox to get away from an opponent if needed. This gives you a lot of control over how the blocking is going to go. As far as negative traits go, Bonehead and Loner 4+ are probably the best ones.

    Fouling: I know you don’t make friends with salad, and you may lose friends to fouling, but, it’s a part of the game. You need to make sure it is worth your while to foul someone. If a Wardancer is on the ground, always take the foul. Use either a Skink that you levelled up with fouling in mind, with skills like Sneaky Git, or Dirty Player, or a Skink with no skills. 60,000 to trade for 125,000 is absolutely worth the risk every time. Gutter Runners may be worth your while, always make sure your foul is going to be worth the risk of losing a skink for the game.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Team Development:


    The first skill you want on any saurus is going to be block, block will keep your saurus standing whether you are blocking or being punched back. The more dice you roll, the more things can go wrong, so having a little bit more of the dice on your side will save you a lot of the time. When you've got a line of Saurus, you just keep farming those casualty points so block is the first skill you want on your Saurus.

    Then you've got an interesting choice for level two: it's going to be guard or mighty blow optimally. Guard is going to keep your other sarus safe because it's going to be harder for your opponent to get a profitable block on them, and a mighty blow is just going to be able to capitalise on the fact that you are strength heavy. There's an argument for taking mighty blow instead of block first in order to get more casualty points but for the sake of consistency I recommend block over mighty blow.

    Block, guard, and mighty blow are the three skills you really want on every saurus; it's up to you which order you go for it. Block is going to keep you safer, but mighty blow could get you SPP faster.

    Beyond that you've got some great skills that can go well on a Saurus. Once you've got a reasonable amount of guard, giving one or two of your Saurus frenzy is going to make them very effective and the reason they're going to be very effective is because they're movement six so if you deploy your guard guys on the line and then keep your frenzy guys back they’re going to be making some fantastic blocks and covering a huge amount of the pitch.

    Tackle is also going to be useful but that is really going to depend on your league. If you're playing an elf heavy or goblin heavy league, then getting tackle on the Saurus as quickly as possible is just going to aid in destruction.

    Grab and Stand Firm are going to help dominate the line of scrimmage but they are kind of a third or fourth string skill.

    If you are in a longer league, and wanted to save your SPP, dodge would be a good choice for a Saurus. It is not going to be good for dodging away because with agility five plus, that roll is never going to get good. Dodge is good once you’ve got block. Blodging saurus is not going anywhere, and will be frustrating to your opponent, and blodge guard is extremely effective. The quickest route to take is block at 6 SPP and then guard or mighty blow at eight, it's going to be a while to get you there but block and mighty blow are going to help you generate those SPP.


    Your skinks start with dodge and stunty, dodge is going to keep them alive way more often than it should and I don't mean that from a running around in circles point of view dodge is going to help them they're going to get two dice against them most of the time and just being able to avoid defender stumbles results is going to be really good for them. Stunty combined with agility three plus and dodge means that they are three plus dodging through the majority of anywhere so there's a couple of skills you can go with that actually develop your skink. Skinks have agility for primary skill and everything else on secondary. You've got a couple of options to go for that will help with touchdowns, sure feet's going to take the skink from movement eight with two go for its to basically a movement ten. Sprint's going to take that up one further.

    Side step is going to be good to keep control of where your Skink goes.

    Catch is going to be useful for stretch plays, and works well with the Chameleon Skink’s 3+ passing.

    Sneaky Git and Dirty Player are going to be useful when you're running around fouling things, which is a little better when you've got 12 or 13 players on a team, or when there’s a greater value in fouling.

    When it comes to skinks, because they don't have to spend the SPP, as they are already great for their cost, it really gives you the opportunity to save up and either take a double take a secondary skill or go for the big play which is the stats. We're going to look at the stats first. With a skink if you save up 18 spp and it doesn't die which is very good for a stunty player there is not a bad roll that a skink can take but quite honestly movement nine is going to be amazing. Agility two plus with stunty is really good and you get the option to take it up to a strength three which will definitely help with survivability. If you want to wait with one skink and take a roll to get a movement 9 or agility 2 plus then that skink is going to start being a really big player on your team.

    Or you can go for 12 spp on your first level up and you can take block to create a blodge ball carrier or you can take wrestle to create a kind of optimistic attacker who can just dodge anywhere on a three plus and just go for a two die block with wrestle. That's much better odds than you might think, especially if you have a reroll spare. A

    Break tackle is going to give you a once per turn 1+ dodge.

    Sure hands is definitely worth considering, as you want to ensure your Skink has every opportunity to get that ball.

    Kick is really decent for this team, being able to halve the D6 deviation roll really allows you to set yourself to return your own kickoff, or at least set up your defence closer to the middle.

    Leader is great, Skinks are a bit squishy for it, but an extra reroll is always a welcome addition.

    Chameleon Skink

    Chameleon Skinks start with two skills; on the ball and shadowing. Shadowing is not going to do a lot very often because, quite frankly, shadowing anybody with a strength

    two stunty player is just more likely to get you murdered than anything else however it

    can force additional rolls for your opponent, especially against the stronger players so if you really need to tag a chaos warrior or dwarf with the ball you can put shadowing on him. I think he's probably going to blitz his way through you, but if he chooses to try and dodge away it's going to force extra rolls so definitely something that you can do with the chameleon, but not something that is priority.

    On the ball, this gives them a slightly better chance for an interception, but the ability to move three extra squares when you receive the ball means that chameleon skinks or the one chameleon skink starts the game at movement 10 for one turn. That combined with the fact that it's passing three plus actually means it's got very good mobility and enables your team quite significantly.

    When you're developing that chameleon skin there's a couple of skills you can look at. It really depends which angle you want to go, giving the chameleon skink catch or diving catch are going to massively combine with on the ball to give you the best opportunity to start your turn with that ball three squares back. If you've taken catch, you get a four plus with a reroll to catch the ball. Diving catch gives you an area of effect to try and catch the ball. Either of those skills are basically going to mean that you start with the ball. If you've got two chameleon skinks that's a large portion of the backfield that you're covered, and starting with the ball is going to save you having to shield and fumble it.

    Sprint, Sure feet, and side step for the chameleon skink will all come in handy and add value to the Chameleon.

    For even more fun, we go to the secondary skills and the stat ups. If you want to, and you are able to save up enough SPP to take a random stat up, a chameleon skink is not a bad opportunity for that, movement eight is going to be great especially as you're starting with on the ball he then is as good as a standard skink. Agility two plus is just going to be awesome. A stunty player dodging around on two plus is going to mean he's unstoppable and it also is going to be so much more effective at picking up the ball. Going to a passing two plus is also something that you should consider with your chameleon skink it's got on the ball it's got to move in a seven it's going to be able to manoeuvre around to get to where you want, in order to give the ball to somebody else you've got three extra squares from on the ball if you can get three extra squares by making a quick pass on a two plus that’s going to really speed up your offence. You've got the opportunity to go for a strength three chameleon skink who then becomes your primary ball carrier and that's not a bad way to defend it. Chameleon skink stat ups, any of them are actually pretty useful.

    Sure hands as a secondary skill is also quite useful again that re-roll is going to be quite key.

    Accurate and pass are two skills that chameleon skinks will benefit from in the long run.

    Break tackle we talked about with skinks, the same thing applies to Chameleons, and block will be useful to protect it as a ball carrier if that is how you want to run your Chameleons.


    With the Krox, you have time to wait, and going for Block is always a good option. If you want a Bloxigor it is going to take six casualties to get there.

    If you don't want to wait for six casualties you can risk a random strength roll you could end up with brawler which is a pretty good talent to have. Saving up for block is probably the best option though. The reason for that is that your offensive line of saurus are going to be developing guard and guard is going to be able to help protect your Krox from being blocked.

    Brawler may save you, as you are allowed to reroll a single both down result

    Break Tackle is going to give your Kroxigor the opportunity to dodge away on a three plus rather than a five plus

    Once you have a combat skill on your Kroxigor there's a couple of other skills that will be useful.

    Guard, though it depends on your league, if you've got a lot of chaos, Nurgle, other lizardmen team, or black Ork teams, giving the Krox guard is going to mean that everybody near him is two die blocking which can be a massive difference.

    Pro is useful as well, this saves your team rerolls for players who don’t have the loner trait. When you bonehead or miss a block, you get a three plus opportunity to re-roll it without wasting any of your standard rerolls.

    Grab and Arm bar actually combine quite well with the prehensile tail. Prehensile tail is minus one to dodge away from the Kroxigor, arm bar means that if your opponent fails to dodge away from the Kroxigor, you get plus one to armour rolls on that, it's a mighty blow for opponents failing dodges next to the Krox.

    Guard and Arm bar Krox is going to be quite a regular build for people who don't want to wait all the way to get to block and break tackle.

    Kroxigor is the kind of player that's going to reward your patience but it's going to be up to you to know your league, and your play style.

    @ChapterAquila92 @BurningBee feel free to correct anything or add anything
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Last edited: Oct 11, 2022
  5. BurningBee

    BurningBee Well-Known Member

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    All right ever thing you wrote is good.

    Saurus are great Blocker. To keep them up Block is always my first choice. Might blow is good, but I never saw it making a real difference. +1 to armor or injure is haven't brought me a single SSP.

    Skink are squishy. End of the story;). Side step saves them sometimes.

    Kroxigor break tackle became much worse. So will not be my choice.

    One jewl for Blood Bowl I found on Youtube is:

    But... I haven't played lizardmen in 2020 edition. So my experience is not that good. Right now I'm playing my snotling in our league. And they perform as expected in a Bash heavy league. But I play for fun and the lol's anyway.
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Best attitude to have for snotlings! They are a fun team, I went over to Necromantic just for some more variety and a different playstyle. Snotlings or Goblins is my next choice just for the laughs! Also Bonehead is my favourite as well. One of the most positive and informative podcasts out there.
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  7. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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  8. BurningBee

    BurningBee Well-Known Member

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    Some of the links doesn't work.
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  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Okay think I fixed them.
  10. BurningBee

    BurningBee Well-Known Member

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    Last edited: May 23, 2022
    Imrahil, Just A Skink and Bowser like this.
  11. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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  12. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    New Star Players available to Lizardmen:

    Glotl Stop:

    Boa Kon'Ssstriktr:

    Estelle La Veneaux:
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  13. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Nice work so far!
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  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Andy Davo's guide to Lizardmen in BB3, but also works for the tabletop.
    Imrahil likes this.

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