AoS Kroak vs Be'lakor

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Tilorn91, Apr 7, 2022.

  1. Tilorn91

    Tilorn91 Active Member

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    Hello fellow Cold-Bloods. I come before you all seeking advice in a matchup that seems utterly abysmal for Kroak. The premise is that both my list and my opponents list is known beforehand, and also the scenario. And, unlike usually, I am at a loss for ideas on how to play this to have any chance.

    Be'lakor with Unchecked Mutation, Lord of Change with Phantom Lord, Brand and Bolt of Tzeentch, Changecaster with Aura of Mutability and Treason of Tzeentch, Fatemaster, 2x10 Pinks, 3 Enlighteneds, 10 Tzaangors, Spellportal, Hosts Duplicitous


    Kroak, Trog with 4+ not dead artifact, EotG with Cloak of Feathers, AB, Priest, Slann general with trait to reroll cast/unbind, 3x5 guards, 2x10 skinks, Cogs, Draco Tail

    The scenario is Feral Foray, and I'd appreciate any ideas. He has less drops than me, so he gets to choose. What should the gameplan be? In my experience with my list, the EotG and Trog together did around 5 wounds to a unit of 10 skeletons, so I have little faith that once Be'lakor shuts down Kroak that I can do anything.

    Should I spam skink summons, or maybe save for something that does damage? How should board formation look like?
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  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    um... huh. well regardless of what you do your going to have a very hard time winning with this list. you have no damage output nothing to buff and no anvils. on top of that the little damage you do do is all spell based he will summon units on faster then you can kill them. honestly i don't know what you can do. skinks spam is not going to cut it but it's probably your best option.
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  3. Tilorn91

    Tilorn91 Active Member

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    Well, the match happened, and I got rolled. Dice can be fickle, though the list is weak and designed with all-in on Kroak to use a model that I almost never do. Can't complain too much.
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  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    im sorry to hear that.
    there are ways of making kroak work he isn't bad. throwing him in a list with a AB 2 30 blocks of skinks or 4x5 knights and a pair of star priests/priest is a solid list. the problem with the above is that it really over invests is spells, our lore is not a good one and anything more then 1 slann is going to see diminishing returns. also the trog is terrible and should never be used
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2022
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  5. Tilorn91

    Tilorn91 Active Member

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    It was a list I wanted to have fun with in a league format being organized in a local gaming club. There was a group stage, and an elimination playoff. Turns out I got to the finals, and couldn't change lists so the meme list worked way too well for 7 games before losing the 8th. And, to be honest, the matchup is an extreme counter given that I invested 2k points into Kroak, and Be'lakor simply shuts that down. I had two openings to have a chance at a win, EotG failed a 7" charge with CP reroll to potentially finish off Be'lakor at 3 wounds remaining before he used his shutdown ability, and when I failed that he didn't whiff the 3+ to deactivate Kroak the next turn when the Trogg was in the middle of everything.

    All in all, it is what it is, and the next league starting from this weekend I will have fun with something else, probably giving Koatl Claw a shot. I enjoy suffering, yes.
    Putzfrau, Just A Skink and Bowser like this.
  6. Lord Krungharr
    Jungle Swarm

    Lord Krungharr New Member

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    Belakor is certainly a pain but he can only shut down 1 unit in 1 turn of a game. Seems like Kroak and a Slann should be able to outmagic the Tzeentchy jerks. Guess you can always ally in a unit of Stormdrakes and jam those in his face?!?!
    Bowser and Erta Wanderer like this.

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