Blog A Father and Sons Adventures into Lustria.

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Daniel Turner, Apr 27, 2022.

  1. Daniel Turner
    Jungle Swarm

    Daniel Turner New Member

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    Hi, Welcome to my blog,
    I've always been a Warhammer fan since I was a small child, I stumbled across the hobby one Saturday afternoon on the top floor of a department store that my parents happened to drag me in and I then went on to hobby until my teenage years.

    As with most things, life tends to get in the way and other interests form so my miniature painting and playing took an extended break. At the backend of last year, I was going through some old boxes tucked away looking for the box of Christmas ornaments and I happened to stumble across an old box that contained some models from a Fantasy Wood Elf army I had when I was a child. I dusted down the box and proceeded to take the contents inside and this caught the attention of my son. Surprised that these poorly painted and beat up models from yesteryear caught his attention (Their not YouTube or the latest gadget that is "cool") I sat him down and explained what the models were and what you did with them.

    To my surprise, he sat and listened to me ramble on and I wasn't greeted with his apparent desire to leave to go to other stuff that is clearly cooler so I offered to take him into the local independent hobby store so he could look at the newest models and not some from back in the day. So off we went and we took a tour of the local hobby shop a few days later. My son is into his dinosaurs and so immediately he was drawn to the lizardmen armed with his pocket money to buy Pokemon cards he left the store empty-handed I asked why this was and he told me he was going to save for the start collecting box of
    Skinks. I explained to him it was a lot of pocket money and that I would make him a deal if he was very serious about the Skinks I would buy him the box and once painted we would go and play at the local store together. Not expecting my son to take me up on the offer a few days passed and he asked about the start collecting box once again with an agreement that it would be something we can do together and so off we went to the store.

    Not knowing anything about Lizardmen, the lore or a quick google search lead me here and I've been lurking and getting inspiration for the last few months. Over the last few months in my various free time, I've been painting up the start collecting box. I thought now that I have some models painted it would be good to get feedback and branch out into the wider community for Ideas. So here we are if you've managed to endure the wall of text above please see some pictures below of the progress.

    Alpha 1.jpg

    Alpha 2.jpg

    SP 1.jpg

    SP 2.jpg

    Skink 2.jpg

    Squad 2.jpg
    JTSleep, kubapj, Noxolotl and 9 others like this.
  2. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to Lustria! Those skinks look really cool, good job. Keep us updated on you and your son's hobby journey :)
    Lizards of Renown, Imrahil and Bowser like this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    These look incredible! Hopefully you and junior can get a few games in. A lot more pocket money to invest, but a slann, starseer and a Kroak are going to be on the Christmas wishlist once you do get to playing!
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Welcome to the jungle!

    I always like to hear stories about old Fantasy players getting back into gaming, and good to hear your own son's taken an interest!

    Some very nice-looking Skinks there, while you've obviously based them for Age of Sigmar, I would also advise looking into Fantasy as well, especially as it's going to be reborn with The Old World (TOW) in a few years.

    Am I right in thinking that you got into 6th Edition (which ran from 2000-2006) when you were young? Because if so it's pretty easy to get back into 6th as 6th books are not nearly as expensive to buy second-hand as 8th Edition ones, and you'll be able to dust off what's left of your own old armies as some immediate opponents for your boy to play against!
    Lizards of Renown and Bowser like this.
  5. Daniel Turner
    Jungle Swarm

    Daniel Turner New Member

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    Hi, yes you are correct I started playing 6th Edition and played into 7th in amongst the box of beat up models I stumbled across my 7th Edition Rule book from the battle of Skull Pass boxset. It's nice to be back I honestly had forgotten how much fun painting was and it's nice to see my son so enthusiastic about a hobby that I greatly enjoy.

    They are based on AOS and I have since heard about a potential return of fantasy which I personally would enjoy very much due to nostalgia. Will have to potentially have to look at magnetising them so I can put them on the old square bases and trays.
  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Battle for Skull Pass - still the best Warhammer boxed game to ever have existed! I started with that very set - good sculpts for the day and excellent value compared to the more visually impressive but garbage-value starter sets that GW push nowadays!

    Luckily 7th is largely just 6th but with some alterations such as ranks consisting of 5 models rather than 4, and given several 7th Army Books were made particularly OP for very little reason other than to push specific armies (Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves and Vampire Counts come to mind), you're better off with using 6th Edition army books with 7th rules anyway, as 6th is believed by most people to have been the most balanced Fantasy edition ever to exist. I joined in 7th (and fortunately the armies I play with in 7th - Dwarfs, Lizardmen, High Elves, Beastmen, Skaven and Greenskins - are overall more balanced against each other), but from reading 6th books and articles I can certainly see that 6th was the Edition GW cared most about in Fantasy, and army lists definitely look more balanced than in later Editions. Indeed I've just received a 6th Edition Beasts of Chaos book today, second-hand but excellent condition, and really look forward to building some Mixed Beast Herds!

    That's certainly worth doing whether you like Warhammer: The Old World when it arrives or not, as in the latter case you can simply play Oldhammer editions with those that prefer doing that.

    Once again a warm welcome to the forum, and I look forward to hearing what you get up to with your son!
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2022
  7. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Welcome along!!

    Always good to see a stray hobbyist return to the flock ;) even bringing more with him.
    Nice to have a hobby you can share!

    Your paintjob is pretty impressive to be honest. Smooth color transitions and great details.

    Intrigued to see what you'll do with the Bastilodon and Terradons :)

    Have fun

    Grrr, Imrahil
  8. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Welcome to Jurassic Park!

    What an introduction! Love it and love the fact that you get to share it with your son.

    Well, make sure you take a good look around the forum as there are tons of great gems hidden there and tons of very helpful people on everything. From gaming systems (8th edition is beat take it from me ;) ) to painting.

    Your paint jobs are seriously solid! Start a blog and share your progress.


    Imrahil and Bowser like this.
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Those skinks look good in the dark-blue scheme you picked out, hope to see more of them painted along with the rest of the army!
  10. BiddoPaints
    Jungle Swarm

    BiddoPaints Member

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    I love your dark scheme for your skinks and I love that you are able to share the hobby with your son!
  11. Blastoize
    Cold One

    Blastoize Well-Known Member

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    Extremely lovely skins, mate! I just got back after a year or two and this immediately makes me want to push some paint on my army .}

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