All battleline infantry with less than 4 wounds can fight in two ranks - that's quiet interesting. Maybe Saurus Warriors or Guards could have a second life till our next book? (crying in 130 Saurus models on the shelf) all rumours are true
Some good stuff here, but the part that has me puzzled... How is the Command Ability at all useful? Not only are Monster Rampages free, this costs a CP. And who would want to put strike last on something that you have to roll above their count, less than 4 wounds? The only thing I can imagine is vs 3 Annihilators maybe.
Am I the only one who doesn't like this intentional "change the core gameplay every six months" approach gw is taking? I know *why* they're doing it (change the meta, make people buy new models), but it seems so blatant that instead of thinking "cool, a new way to play!" I'm feeling more like "oh great, return of the horde meta. Too bad it won't last long..."
As i've said in another thread (40k), Team GW reminds me an overexcited labrador puppy that chases a couple of bouncing balls. Totally unpredictable, acting on the whim, zero mental awareness.
Interesting, I guess. Seems a little confusing, or at least more rules for me to forget. Lol. I haven't even remembered Heroic Actions & Monstrous Rampages a lot of the time.
I feel you but i'm amped over it honestly. The 2-3 months before a GHB always feel a little stale, and this helps that.
New Battle Tactics and Grand Strategies also about second battalion. Kroxigors are now could, possibly, deal 3 dmg to GV in 2 ranks (and SG's Grave Guards with Great Weapons...)
Seraphon point update, in resume: Stegadon 265 – 270 / +5 Astrolith 150 – 140 / -10 razordon 95 – 105 / +10 (i don't understand nothing with razordons xDDDDD, maybe for the new battalion +1 damage) Update, ups yes i forgott Skink priest, thanks Tilorn Skink Priest 80 - 90 / +10
Skink Priest is now also 90pts. I like the new GHB changes overall, but thinking of our lists, does anything change that much? Strong stuff remains strong. Buffed 30 skinks shooting, double tap Basti, etc. I like to think that 30 Warriors + 15 Guards + Kroak in KC all charging, with Bounty Hunter 5x Knights flanking for that uber +1 dmg on 3 melee profiles each... But in reality, I really doubt much changes.
Maybe 30 saurus may finally be worth it. With clubs and starvenom they can wreck stuff and have survivablity. Scaly skin = they will suffer less from bounty hunters battalion. Kroxigors, Rippers, Knights and Stegadons - all look interesting in Bounty Hunters, but the former ones are especially so. D3 moonhammers go brrr.
-1 save from charge -1 save from this Basically every unit in NH army could potentially attack with rend -3
sure, it will work wonders with almost every shooting army. A CoS army with huge casting bonuses and a gunline will shred your lines. But given that the malus applies to every unit within its range, Nighthaunt is probably the only one that will be able to use it freely in melee