AoS Hero Actions vs Battle Tactics

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Tilorn91, Jun 28, 2022.

  1. Tilorn91

    Tilorn91 Active Member

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    Hello everyone! As someone who only played local gaming club matches, how do the large tournaments rule and approach the interaction between all the start of hero phase stuff?

    The thing in particular is the ordering. Imagine I am the active player, and I have plenty of things to choose. Can I do Hero Action, then Tactic, then Asterisms for instance?

    Also, does the Hero Action "interrupt" the ordering by having the opponent pick one as well? For instance, I choose a hero to generate a CP on 4+, then the opponent does the same, then I choose a Battle Tactic? Or would I roll for the CP, choose a Battle Tactic, pick the Asterism, finish everything I have, and then the opponent decides his Hero Action?
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    well, the choices are made in the order you choose, and they can or cannot be made alternating between you and your opponent...
    Heroic Action: at the start of hero phase, starting with the player whose turn is taking place, each player can pick 1 hero to perform a heroic action (your opponent "interrupts" your sequence)
    Sacred asterism: pick one at the start of your hero phase
    Battle Tactic: pick one battle tactic at the start of the hero phase.

    all of these happen at the start of the hero phase, but you choose the order. In the moment you select the heroic action, you opponent must choose one too, so the seuence depends on your choices. You could:

    - you select a Tactic
    - you select a heroic action
    - your opponent select a heroic action
    - you select the Asterism

    - you select a heroic action
    - your opponent select a heroic action
    - you select the Asterism
    - you select a Tactic
  3. Tilorn91

    Tilorn91 Active Member

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    Thanks for the clarification. I thought so as well, but wanted to double check from people who have more international experience potentially.

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