This is a video of a woman playing an American pop song on a traditional Chinese string instrument in France.
I don’t eat'em. In my generosity, i will let one of you pick a second cereal. Be quick, only the first answer will count.
I've pretty much cut those kinds of cereal out of my diet. I love them, but they're just too caloric and unhealthy. If I had to pick two cereals out of the group listed, it would be Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. However, if I had to pick two cereals out of all possible cereals, it would be: Chocolate Lucky Charms Coco Shreddies My wife and I fell in love with Coco Shreddies when we were over in England. Sadly we don't have that cereal here in Canada. We only have crappy iterations like regular, honey nut and banana bread Shreddies... all of which I care very little for.
Like @NIGHTBRINGER I have mostly cut out breakfast cereals because it's not very healthy. Lately I have been buying a box of cereal so I can have a quick snack with no prep if I'm feeling hungry yet too lazy to prepare something more complicated. It is usually raisin bran because it's kind of healthy and I like the textures. Raisin bran is the only one of these I buy semi-regularly. Once in a while I get a hankering for frosted flakes though I usually buy the off brand. The others I haven't had in over ten years. Sometimes I like grape nuts with honey. For a while they had a market campaign where they suggested hot grape nuts. I tried it, but it got soggy fast. However, if you heat the milk in the microwave and then add the grape nuts, the cereal doesn't get soggy in the microwave. Turns out I'm a culinary genius. My mom taught me a tasty recipe for making tasty confectionary using cheerios as a base and I usually have cheerios left over which I will occasionally snack on. I think regular cheerios with honey put on them tastes far better than honey nut cheerios. Any recipe goes as follows. Four cups cheerios, two cups creamy peanut butter (ideally Skippy, fight me), one cup sugar, one cup light corn syrup, dash of salt and vanilla. I usually make a half batch. Boil the corn syrup on a stove, dissolve in the sugar. Mix in the salt and vanilla. Add the peanut butter. Reduce the heat a bit. gradually stir in the cereal. Reduce the heat some more. When the mixture is warm but not scalding hot, mold the cheerio peanut into big gum drop shapes (or whatever shape the muses tell you to make) and lay them out on wax paper or something similar. Let it sit at least 30 minutes. Ideally it should stop being sticky and moldable. The corn syrup will solidify the cookies into a satisfyingly chewy desert.
Funnily enough, out of ALL cereals I'd choose which I got addicted to while visiting my Grandma in New Mexico.