Oh Gods, why are they getting so obsessed with Warriors of Chaos? It's not like they need it, given they had so much favouritism in the last two Editions of Warhammer Fantasy. But then, I suppose it's better than more Vampires or Elves.
Didn't they declare this the "year of chaos" a while back? I may just be imagining it, but I could have sworn that was something said on Warhammer Community at some point...
Well it certainly sounds as if GW intended that to be the case, and it's not even the sort of Chaos that's interesting (i.e. Beastmen). I'm looking forward to next year now when we can finally move on from all this nonsense...
I've just realised that this new Chaos Sorceress has cloven hooves, furry legs and arms, curled horns, claws, fangs and the wicked face of an Ungor... technically it's a new Beastman (or Beastwoman in this case) model!
Is it though? Cuz it also wears proper armour and weapons and not just the basic slabs of metal beastmen use & has minions that carry similarly civilized items. That's not very beastmen-like.
All it takes is to use clippers or a modelling knife to trim off symbols and blunt weapons and armour plates, and then when painting give the metal parts a good wash with Agrax Earthshade and you're there - no barrier can stop the imagination of a converter!
Well here is a sneak peak for you all: A new Chameleon Skink for Warcry, what more will be in it for us? Grrr, Imrahil
Nice to see a new model =) Now lets just hope we don't need to buy 3-5 warbands to get enough to field one min sized unit in AoS.
Well, on the one hand new models are always appreciated. But on the other hand, a Warcry release probably means the other Seraphon rumors are part of this warband and not new AoS releases...
While I'm excited that we're getting a new Chameleon skink, and hopefully enough to form a unit in AoS, I'm even more worried that the rumor engine that looks like a new Astrolith Bearer is actually just a terrain piece that will be in the box for this warband
I'd give it a 5:1 odds it's a terrain piece. 4:1 it's an astrolith and I'm gonna make my bold prediction that it's an entirely new skink piece with its own rules
That Chameleon is looking more human-like than the usual 6th edition+ style of reptilian we are used to. No complaints in that regard. Going to be very disappointed if we don't get new saurus/cold one sculpts as I was emotionally prepping myself for a battle box that would give us fully new saurus miniatures. I heard it was Lizardmen vs Skaven or something...
Can imagine us all buying 15 boxes of the new warcry box just to get 15 new saurus knights, new saurus amd new skonks, if any others mpdels appear in the box imagine there was a kroxigor
I can't do that. Krox be damned I'm not buying a warcry box for new minis. And I only bought my BB krox because I actually have interest in BB(and got my tax return)