The never-ending battle against woke Hollywood and SJW infused entertainment media [trigger warning]

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Oct 14, 2021.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @Scalenex makes a fair point. Against all reason, the left continually seems to make ground against the right. They simply play the game better.

    The right would normally outbreed the left (they conceive more kids... or at least more kids that they don't abort), but the left has found a way to circumvent this:
    • flooding the country with immigrants (and winning most of their vote)
    • taking over the education system to indoctrinate and convert kids from right-wing families
    • taking over media/entertainment to indoctrinate and convert kids from right-wing families
    There is an expression that "culture is upstream from politics". Whomever wins today's culture war, wins tomorrow's political war. The left understands this better than the right. They're playing the long game, working towards winning the political debate of the future.

    BUT, I still have hope. The right has several advantages on their side:
    1. The TRUTH - be that biological truth or otherwise, you can only go up against it for so long. Eventually it will come to bite them in the ass. By nature the left are "progressive", thus always seeking the next thing. Each thing builds upon the last and gets crazier and crazier. Now major democrats are unable (unwilling) to define what a woman is. Eventually physical reality will win out, you can only push so far.
    2. The right is beginning to learn and adopt their ways - the right is slowly fighting fire with fire. Shutting down school indoctrination and teaching traditional values. Creating entertainment on a larger and larger scale (still have a long ways to go to be on par, but it is a start).
    3. Mainstream media is dwindling - the left's control over traditional news media is increasingly becoming less relevant. You can't stop the internet (try as they might). The CNN's of the world are replaced by smaller outlets. Traditional movie critic voices become less important and new players like the Critical Drinker (and others) begin to carve into their sphere of influence.
    4. The "Texas Solution" - my personal term. Essentially a real world "execute order 66". If push comes to shove and the worst case scenario comes to pass, the right wins hands down.

    Or I'm wrong and the left wins... the USA simply rots from the inside and a new superpower supplants it.

    Anyways, that's probably enough "hard politics" for now. Back to ripping on Rings of Power, She-Hulk and such! :p
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I would also say it is because Left-Wing ideals and values appear on the surface to be more 'innocent' ('diversity', 'equality', 'inclusion', 'liberty') than those preached by the Right-Wing, as well as labelling itself as 'progressive' and thus contributing to the fallacy of 'all progress is good'. These disguises make it easier for them to brainwash the most politically active - the impressionable young aspiring to be conscientious - into being a noisy, aggressive frontline of preachers than it is for the much more honest, 'in-your-face' Right-Wing. Not to mention that despite the atrocities committed by Left regimes like the USSR and modern-day China, everyone still remembers Hitler and Nazi Germany first and foremost, and Nazi supporters are (rightly) shunned to this day, so it has currently become much more instinctively acceptable in the eyes of most people to gang up on and ostracise a right-wing supporter (even if they themselves hate Nazism and have a much more moderate view) than to do the same to a left-wing supporter. It's this view that needs to be changed, by unmasking the lies, deceit and hypocrisy of the Left and showing they are no better than the Nazis they despise so much.

    The thing is though, if a wholesale massacre occurs as per your fourth option, then that will add more fuel to the Left-Wing's fire and support their argument that 'all right-wing supporters are violent, murderous Nazis'. It would be better for the Right to employ more subtle ways of battling the Left as per your second point in order to prevail. Certainly stopping 'progressive' Left-Wing attempts to corrupt the school curricula and returning to teaching traditional values is the way to go about it, because if the young can be taught once again to understand the importance of tradition, family and loyalty to your kin and country, their consciences can be returned to a healthy normal and can be used against the Left, thereby beating them at their own game.

    The work Sex and Culture by J.D Unwin, a British anthropologist, published way back in the 1930s, concluded that great societies that develop a focus on becoming 'sexually liberal' start to lose their creative and expansive energy, which accelerates their decline and decay, which is exactly what is happening to Western countries today, when you consider that all Western nations rose to power in times when couples were expected to preserve themselves for marriage, monogamy was revered, and love was treasured while sex was treated as a private and/or uncouth matter. You can see how this conclusion has applied all across history - ancient and modern civilisations alike only arose through humans trusting in their Ego and developing their Super Ego, to use Freudian terms, to work together with each other and suppress base instincts in the belief of the greater good of a safer, happier and more orderly society for everyone. On the other hand, the more freedom a society gives to the Id, the more its people become focused on satisfying their base animalistic desires and the less they understand the importance of controlling these desires for the good of a more satisfying and fulfilling life in the long run. They lose respect for loyalty and commitment, as my own generation is suffering from apparently, which results in a diminished desire to settle down and work together, resulting in loss of unity, divisiveness and ultimately decline.

    Derailing my discussion briefly to Warhammer, this is why I like the Beastmen as a faction, as like the Skaven they are a black parody of humanity, though in the Beastmen's case, they represent the depraved beast within every human, that needs to be supressed and controlled, and as a race act as a warning as to what humanity itself could become if it continues to follow the blighted path it seems to eager to tread. I've often contemplated daubing BLM (Beast Lives Matter :p) on the flags of my Beastman units as a physical manifestation of this satire (pun not intended)!

    Anyway, back to Unwin, he goes on to say that this societal entropy becomes irrevocable, but I don't believe this is the case if our peoples can be prompted to re-learn the importance of traditional values and beliefs and banish the filth that the Left-Wing continues to preach, and they are willing to take that step and trust in their higher thinking, and suppress degenerate impulses. There is still hope.

    As an afterthought, Unwin also believed that a truly committed monogamous marriage requires legal equality between men and women, and I would extend this to state that full perceived equality between the two genders - that is, true egalitarianism, not feminist shit - is required for our society to save itself from destruction. That was one mistake pretty much all historical societies made - encouraging men to be promiscuous, in the false belief that it was a sign of masculinity, while forcing women to preserve themselves for marriage, did result in a double-standard that limited the potential for these societies. If, on the other hand, both genders are encouraged to preserve themselves for marriage in our Brave New Western World, true monogamy and unshakeable bonds of loyalty and trust would become a norm rather than an exception. Jealousy, insecurity, aggression and hate would decline and die, and peace and prosperity can truly reign.

    Reject modernity, embrace tradition!

    As dubious as America's behaviour has been as a superpower, currently the alternatives of Fascist Russia and Communist China are far far worse, so the Right really needs to get its skates on and do more to oust the cancer of the Left from Western Governments the world over before it is too late.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
    BrotherSutek and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I don't know about the rest of the world, but the rest of the world, but the Left has another advantage over the Right. The Left is more uniform. The Right is made up of major factions, the Christian Right which basically is a more sexually repressed version of the American Left which is why the Republicans always end up reluctantly backing social programs.

    The Libertarian Right is the faction I (mostly) support though I wish they were less laissez-faire about the CCP.

    Then you got the Authoritarian Right. This is the scary Right that Leftist media likes to straw man but it is real. If the "Texas Solution" is implemented, this is probably what we will get...and that is scary.

    If you back more than 200 years, Left/Right becomes irrelevant, I think it's largely irrelevant now. I'm all about the triangle balancing Freedom, Equality, and Order. There is a historical bias towards Order. Whenever a Freedom or Equality based government collapses, it is almost invariably replaced by an heavy Order government and that is only slightly less awful than an Equality heavy government. When a heavy Order government collapses it's a coin flip whether the new government will be based on Freedom, Equality or be another Order government with a different group of rat bastards in charge.

    Anyway, politically I am a single issue voter. The CCP must be stopped. It just so happens that the CCP's propaganda outlets are signal boosting woke political groups. Note Russian propagandists are signal boosting Far Right and Far Left groups, Russia wants American to fight American, they don't care who wins. The CCP wants wokeism to win. So on local elections (where the CCP usually doesn't come up directly), I am opposed to woke.

    EDIT: I agree with large portions of what @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl says but there are critical details where we disagree. I don't want to derail this thread nitpicking it, but if Lord Agragax wants to talk about it via private message, I'm game, though I'd rather talk about Westhammer. The best way to fight the culture war is to create new art.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
    BrotherSutek likes this.
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Challenge accepted.

    Currently my head is full of Dark Ages and fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rules at the moment, it'll be a while before I come up with any new Companies for Westhammer. It is on my to-do list though.
    BrotherSutek likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  7. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Sharing for the meme, not because I agree with it.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    From The Witcher.
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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    At least the singing is good :p
    Scalenex likes this.
  13. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    singing is passable but to be fair she is competing with Jodi Benson so it was always going to be poor in comparison
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @Erta Wanderer is correct.

    Why partake in a cheap knockoff when the original is both better and readily available?
    BrotherSutek likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  16. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Upper right corner is something said to woke people not by woke people.

    At this point, making fun of Bri Larson is getting kind of tired.

    All things considered, I'm proud of Bri Larson. She has reached the "Acceptance" stage.

    For a looooonng time she is in Denial that she was a bad actress that no one liked.

    Combined this with lashing out at fans, Anger.

    Bargaining phase was when she went on a late night talk show tour, started dressing more feminine, and created a hyped up Youtube channel.

    Depression phase was likely when she dropped off the public radar.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2022

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    *NIGHTBRINGER contemplating whether to simply ignore the comment or purposely go out and buy something made in China* :wacky:
    BrotherSutek likes this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Hilarious that we would stoop to considering this kind of solution as a last resort, a solution which is modeled after the actions of a fictional character who personifies nothing but upstanding moral character, integrity, and nothing but love and affection for his people.



    ...anyway, I am taking a break from reading about the Rwandan Genocide today and happened across this thread once again.

    I know most of the memes are (mostly) all in good fun, but the mockery of the failure is getting a bit old for me. Lots of media on the big screen and the internet seems to be trash, probably a by-product of corporations using franchises as cash-cows in a lame attempt to appeal to as wide as an audience as possible, and the ability for any average person with a camera and/or microphone to post their opinion out to the ether, whether it is well thought out, researched, fact checked, and entertaining, nor not. Or just noise, self-righteous anger, hatred to the opposing side, more noise, etc.

    I don't like how angry much of the backlash against the disney/marvel machine is nowadays, not because I don't agree with most of it, but its even more hilarious how few people I have met who HATE new disney/marvel products have even watched the products they decry as terrible! Here is how I would rate a few:
    • Star Trek Discovery- I only watched season 1, but aside from some contrived Spock-family shenanigans thrust into the show to make it feel Star Trek, I enjoyed the show and the play on the Original Series concepts. This is as someone who grew up watching CPT Kirk, Spock, and McCoy on bootleg home video, and loves TNG and DS9 to this day. Didn't like voyager though.
    • Mandalorian- loved most of it, though some episodes were dumb.
    • Boba Fett- I watched it, mostly because of the surprise Mandalorian episodes. Didn't enjoy it much, felt like a big character alteration. I enjoyed how he was depicted in the Mandalorian, and have invented my own head-canon on how the series should have gone instead.
    • Star Wars Ep I-III- worst love story ever put to screen, twilight hold my beer (though I have never seen twilight though, I think I should give Star Wars some slack as they have laser swords).
    • Star Wars Ep VII to IX- I enjoyed the first one, parts of the next two, but they weren't very good. So much potential, but not very good movies despite the marketing campaigns sinking huge amounts of money.
    • Captain Marvel movie- I enjoyed it. I would rank it higher than Thor 2 and 3, all the Ant Man Movies and Captain America Movies (after Captain America #1), Age of Ultron, and slightly lower than Guardians 2. Despite this, the Captain Marvel character felt kinda boring in the movie.
    • She Hulk- haven't seen it, how many episodes are even out yet? No opinion developed yet, my sister thought it was ok though.
    • the Hobbit trilogy- I watched all three. They were awful, though I loved the guy they cast as Bilbo he was great despite what he had to work with. They are the reason I am not much interested in anything else in the Tolkien universe moving forward... as far as I am concerned my favorite LOTR universe movie ever is the animated Hobbit movie!
    • Rings of Power- its cool they are attempting to write about the ages pre-LOTR and the Hobbit! Haven't seen the show, but my news feed is flooded with calls that it is the worst thing ever created and Tolkien is rolling in his grave or something.
    These are all tv shows and movies. Not worth me getting angry when I already get angry about work.
    BrotherSutek likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the "order 66" quip/label. You know me, I'll attach Star Wars to anything!

    As far as violence goes, in an ideal world it would be the last resort... one that hopefully never comes to pass (even though I often joke about it). However, in reality, it is always present, whether we like to acknowledge it or not. The biggest issue is when it is applied before all other solutions are thoroughly exhausted.

    The point was merely that if the worst case scenario came to pass (civil war), it would be a lopsided affair. There would be untold damage and loss of life on both sides, but I don't think the eventual outcome (by which I mean the winner) would be hard to predict. Still it would stain the nation and would take a very long time to recover from.

    It's an acquired taste :p. If these major corporations continue to put out their low quality politically charged drivel, then I'm happy to find enjoyment in their misery and failure. Of course, to each their own.

    True, but I think those with poor opinions sink, while the good ones earn clout and recognition. At least corporations are no longer the only ones with a voice. The little guy can be heard, and if what he says carries value, people will join in support.

    Are you saying that you rank Captain Marvel over Captain America: The Winter Solider and Captain America: Civil War?


    The Winter Soldier is often regarded as one of the best MCU movies. Fair enough if that is how you feel, but that is a highly surprising opinion.
    BrotherSutek likes this.
  20. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    • they aren't writing about the ages before hobbit and lord of the rings, we already have that it's called the Silmarillion and amazon does not have the rights to work with it. so basically they are writing a new story that has nothing to do with lord of the rings that has new characters that are wearing the skins of characters we know and love. that more than anything is why people dislike it... also it's not very good.

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