If you are not aware of One Punch Man. It is a comedy series, an affectionate parody of action manga/anime. It started as a fairly crudely drawn web comic. Then it became a well illustrated manga then it became a television series. The manga mines the web comic for material and the television series mines the manga. If anyone knows a reliable place to get an English language version of the web comic, let me know. I like it a lot because it breaks normal story telling rules well and it dives deep into philosophy. Saitama is the main character, the titular one punch man. He lives in a world with powerful heroes and monsters but Saitama has grown so powerful that he can defeat any opponent with a single punch. Somehow he filters it so against human opponents, so that he only does enough to incapacitate them temporarily while monsters are always exploded or decapitated. Saitama battles crippling depression. Because nothing challenges him, he finds every fight unsatisfying. Another problem he faces is that because he defeats every opponent so effortlessly, very few people realized how strong Saitama is and they just assume that is opponents are just really weak or that Saitama is running a scam. Worst of all, after Saitama joined the Hero Association, he got saddled with a lame hero name! There is a One Punch Man live action movie in the works. I am torn. Most live action adaptations of manga and anime are lousy, and I'm used to re-imaginings of things I like disappointing me in general. That said, it's being made by Sony Pictures which has a good track record for 21st century action movies and the Arads made some great movies in the past. It's probably going to suck, but it might be another Alita Battle Angel. I have just enough hope and optimism to guarantee I will be disappointed. Season 3 of the anime is in production but there is no release date or even estimated release date. Anyway, One Punch started as a (fairly crudely drawn web comic) then became a well illustrated manga, then a television show. Anywho, for those who have seen the show. Who is your favorite S class hero? Who is your favorite character, period? Don't worry, I won't judge you for your answer. I like Silverfang for S-Class and Mumen Rider overall, I still suspect Mumen Rider might secretly be Blast.
That is cool beyond words. And I feel better about a live action remake because you don't need especially need an especially nuanced lead actor because Saitama rarely emotes unless of course he misses bargain day at the supermarket.