8th Ed. 1000 points Ogre Kingdoms list

Discussion in 'Other Armies Discussion' started by Phaeron, Sep 23, 2022.

  1. Phaeron

    Phaeron Member

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    Hey there! Since I sadly could not finish my lizardmen for a small battle tomorrow, I will give my Ogres a bit of time on the table. We are going to play a small 1000 points battle, my opponent will be playing high elves or dwarfs.
    Since the Ogres are so expansive, I think I am limited to just one character.
    Should I stick with the Bruiser as BSB or a slightly kitted out Butcher for some Gutlore magic? Or is there something restricting me from taking the BSB as my general? Way too many years since I last played WHFB!

    My current list would be the following :

    ++ Standard (Ogre Kindoms - Army Book (2013-4) -V8.8.1.) [1,000pts] ++

    + Uncategorised +

    - Army Size: Army (0-2999 points)

    + Heroes +

    Bruiser [188pts]: Heavy Armour, Ironfist, Magic Items and Big Names
    . Battle Standard Bearer: AB - Dragonhide Banner

    + Core +

    Ironguts [245pts]: Bellower, Champion, 5x Ironguts, Standard Bearer

    Ogres [268pts]: Bellower, Standard Bearer
    . 8x Ogres: 8x Additional Hand Weapon

    + Special +

    Leadbelchers [129pts]: 3x Leadbelchers

    + Rare +

    Ironblaster [170pts]

    ++ Total: [1,000pts] ++

    Created with BattleScribe

    My alternative for the bruiser would be a Butcher like following :

    ++ Standard (Ogre Kindoms - Army Book (2013-4) -V8.8.1.) [188pts] ++

    + Uncategorised +

    - Army Size: Army (0-2999 points)

    + Heroes +

    Butcher [188pts]: Ironfist, Lore of the Great Maw, Wizard Level 2
    . Magic Items: BRB - Dragonhelm, BRB - Fencer's Blades, BRB - Potion of Speed

    ++ Total: [188pts] ++

    Created with BattleScribe

    What would you prefer?

    Best regards,
    Phaeron - exile Lizard in the "All you can eat" - Ogre diner!
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Great to hear the Maw will be doing some munching!!!

    We need to know which army is being fielded. Then I can give you some more input.

    I think you want to have the Butcher rather than the Bruiser. Either to counteract the High Elves magic or to give you an advantage over the Dwarves. Definitely want something like the magic item armour of heavy armour plus the 4++ ward save for him as he will be an investment.

    Whichever army your opponent uses does dictate the rest to be honest.
  3. Phaeron

    Phaeron Member

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    I fear it will be Dwarfs. That way the Strength 4 of the Ogerbulls will be equalled by his Toughness, I think. Maybe I should use more Ironguts?
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I think make two lists. Bring all the models you would need for either one (and let's face it for an OK 1K points game you're not going to be bringing a lot of miniatures).

    For a Dwarf list, definitely Ironguts over Bulls, as every Dwarf is going to be fairly heavily armoured. You want that -3 to the Armour save to help you sway the combat.

    For a Dwarf list, you want a unit of Maneaters with GWs with Scout and Stubborn so you have a chance (if he deploys without thinking it through) of getting to his cannon line as early as possible. I'll have a think about other options.

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