Various questions on Foamboard/XPS foam?

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by SkinkPriest37, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. SkinkPriest37

    SkinkPriest37 Active Member

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    I am trying to build a cheap gaming board using foam board and XPS foam. It is likely that I will put an XPS foam sheet on top of the foam board because I plan on carving some stone paths into the foam. I don't have a heat gun or hair dryer. I should also point out that I don't have a glue gun either.

    Here's the problem, what glues do I use? Do I need to seal or do anything to the paper parts of the foam board before I glue the XPS foam down?

    I am aware that Army Painter does foam safe terrain primer and sealer. It's not cheap and people seem to reccommend water and PVA glue with some paint anyway. I'm trying to keep costs down as much as possible whilst maintaining a nice to play with gaming board.

    I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong place.
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  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I use PVA glue for all my builds with foam, it doesn't 'eat' the foam and allows for adjustments because it is somewhat flexible when applied. Because of the flexibility it has a higher time to dry completely.

    The foam I use doesn't have paper on it, so I don't know about that. In most build videos I see it being removed, but not sure if this is a must for a gaming table.
    Was the heat gun/hair dryer for melting craters and stuff?
    You would be able to use a very sharp and clean box cutter to cut the general shapes and sand down sharp edges to your liking.

    I hope some of this helps. Good luck.

    Grrr, !mrahil
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  3. SkinkPriest37

    SkinkPriest37 Active Member

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    I'll get some more PVA glue since I'm running out then and I'll get some polyfiller too since that looks quite useful. The terrain safe primer also has a nice whitish-grey to it so it would make it easier to paint it the exact grey I want.

    The heat gun/hair dryer is to remove the paper/card which isn't necessary but saves money. I'll probably put an XPS board onto the foam board without gluing it for now.

    I have found a supposedly reliable Swann Morton knife with replaceable blades which is handy.

    When I go to cut, it will be with the normal XPS foam, specifically a pink board from Underfloor Heating Direct. I'll be cutting square stone pathways I think just to start off. After that some grassy/muddy/dirt areas. Basically a jungle ish theme with some stony parts.

    Thank you for replying.
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  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Sounds like a good plan, you have me interested in your progress.

    Grrr, !mrahil
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  5. SkinkPriest37

    SkinkPriest37 Active Member

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    I have some images of terrain pieces and the board I have designed, two sets actually. This is the first and much newer.

    Bastiladon firing position with platforms for Chameleon Skinks.

    A bridge over a swamp.

    A sacrificial pit of Sotek.

    Spawning Pools.

    Water Sky Bridge with a Realmshaper Engine but I think I might be moving that to the back, not entirely sure yet. Also with square blocks at the back with reptilian heads and water coming out of them.

    Floating Temple and rocky terrain. Not much to say really about them.
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  6. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Wow! I haven't seen a gaming board mock up in Minecraft before, Lol. Very creative and it gives a good image of what you are working towards.

    Awesome ideas!
    Go for it.

    Grrr, !mrahil
    SkinkPriest37 likes this.
  7. SkinkPriest37

    SkinkPriest37 Active Member

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    Actually it was done GZDoom Builder, an awesome a map creator/editor for Doom. I'm not sure if you're a fan but amazing doom mods like Ancient Aliens have been created using it.

    Also, thank you! I can't wait to show off all my painted minis on my seraphon style jungle terrain.

    I was looking through Amazon and I saw a 10 pack of A3 foam board which reminded me, I did want to do terrain like that so I can switch things around and such. Yeah you can move terrain thats stuck down on bases but you can't move anything like the scatter/flock/tufts that are already stuck down so I am interested in building in a more modular way.
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