It gives me similar vibes to the tzeentch underworlds warband revealed recently, so I'd say it's some kind of chaos sorcery
Due to my little hiatus there has been an oversight in the postings of the Rumour Engines, lets sort some things out. Grrr, !mrahil
I added the last Rumour Engine of May and all of June up to this week. 30 May: Some sort of wand 6 June: The Cloak of a hunter. most likely Warcry? 13 June: The point of some alien looking character, perhaps the head of a squid (Dark Elfish) 20 June: Now this peaks my interest. It looks like it is for a faction of Destruction to me... is it a new Mega Gargant's weapon or will it be part of some Orruk warclan's model. Grrr, !mrahil
It looks amazing, for sure. A lot of great and intricate details. I like how both models have the direction sign on the base. Is that part of his fluff? Grrr, !mrahil