AoS 2k coalesced koatls claw

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Slikus-Vaw, May 30, 2023.

  1. Slikus-Vaw

    Slikus-Vaw New Member

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    I’ve been away for quite some time, even forgot my old account haha. I’ve been getting back back into seraphon and since the new stuff came out bows the perfect time to jump in.
    So I’ve been creating lists to find out which units to buy. I’ve got 2 lists and 2 variations of those lists. I’m open to advise and list changes but I wanto keep the kroxigors in but not sure if the warspawn are worth the extra points.

    Oldblood (135)
    Kroak (395)
    Astrolith bearer (140)
    Skink starpriest (130)
    Scar Vet Carno (255)

    Warrior x2 (400)
    Kroxigor war x2 (370)
    Skink x2 (170)

    1995 points
    135 wounds
    51 models


    Oldblood (135)
    Slann (275)
    Astrolith bearer (140)
    Skink starpriest (130)
    Scar Vet Carno (255)

    Warrior x2 (400)
    Kroxigor war x2 (370)
    Warrior x2 (400)

    1975 points
    141 wounds
    50 models

    Have though about the bastiladon in for the Scar Vet but there seems to be more rend nowadays

    Oldblood (135)
    Kroak (395)
    Astrolith bearer (140)

    Warrior x2 (400)
    Kroxigor war x2 (370)
    Kroxigot war x2 (370)
    Skink x2 (170)

    1980 points
    139 wounds
    55 models


    Oldblood (135)
    Slann (275)
    Astrolith bearer (140)
    Skink starpriest (130)

    Warrior x2 (400)
    Kroxigor war x2 (370)
    Kroxigor war x2 (370)
    Skink x2 (170)

    1990 points
    135 wounds
    56 models
  2. Doons

    Doons Member

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    I'm still on the fence with the krox but i like version one. I'd probably drop skinks and krox for 2 aggradon and a spawn of chotec.
  3. ChameleonGnom

    ChameleonGnom Member

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    A couple of thoughts to consider.
    1st the oldblood on foots abilitiy to enhance all out attack can be nicely comboed with leadership of the alpha BUT the enhance only works on warriors or guard, so i would only include him if you got at leat 2 units of those.

    2nd if you want to run krox i think normal krox are a little more efficient.
    3rd if you run krox consider upgrading your scarvet on carno to an oldblood on carno the ability to issue 2 cmd can be good for the krox as they cant issue to them self
    Slikus-Vaw and Doons like this.
  4. Slikus-Vaw

    Slikus-Vaw New Member

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    I liked the warspawn cause ultimately makes -2 damage for ranged attacks but thinking about it I’m not sure there are too much ranged attacks that are more than one damage(haven’t played in a long time so I don’t know other factions)

    thanks for the advice. I’m going to be making some shifts around. It’s quite hard fitting kroak into it though. Would it be better to have kroak or a slann and astrolith? I like kroak for the magic but the astrolith is quite helpful for everyone
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2023
  5. ChameleonGnom

    ChameleonGnom Member

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    Let us know how your games went, I find it always intresting how actual games go. Theory and list building only gets you so far.
    Slikus-Vaw likes this.
  6. Vallis
    Cold One

    Vallis Active Member

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    The Kroxigor Warspawned's Heavy-scaled Skin ability gives a -1 to wound rolls for attacks made with missile weapons, not -1 damage. So the damage modifier for a Coalesced Kroxigor Warspawned is still just -1 from being Coalesced, but the Warspawned's -1 to wound will make it less likely damage gets through from missile weapons at all.

    As for missile weapons that do more than one damage, the new Seraphon army is not a particularly strong shooting army, but even we have 7 warscrolls that have missile attacks that do more than 1 damage: Kixi-Taka (D3), the Skink Oracle on Troglodon (2), the Spawn of Chotec (D6), Hunters of Huanchi with Starstone Bolas (Javelin: 2), Bastiladon with Solar Engine (3), Stegadon Chief with Skystreak Bow (3) and Stegadon with Skystreak Bow (3). That's more than half of our 12 warscrolls with missile attacks.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
    Slikus-Vaw likes this.
  7. Slikus-Vaw

    Slikus-Vaw New Member

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    I haven’t got to try out my lists but I have changed them around a bit. I should be playing some games soon though. Im still trying to figure out what I should go with.

    here is my base list

    Oldblood (135)
    Oldblood on Carnosaur (285)
    Kroak (395)

    Warrior x2 (400)
    Warrior x2 (400)
    Kroxigor x2 (350)

    1965 points
    144 wounds
    49 models

    I’ve been thinking about taking the oldblood on carno out and putting in a trog to help kroak have more of a board presence and also giving the kroxigors a -1 to hit and healing them with the skinks spell. Another variation would be to have the trog or carno and exchanging one of the warrriors with 2 separate guard units, one for the oldblood on foot and one for kroak+astrolith or just both with kroak+astrolith and give the oldblood the 2+ save and with the extra points (190[trog] 175[carno]) get an astrolith.
    My idea why I want to have a trog in would be, to have 3 battle groups to move around that would be effective, which would give me flexibility. One warrior squad with the oldblood on foot, one warrior squad with kroak then the kroxigors with the trog. Without the trog, kroaks spells would be not as effective. Yes I would still be able to have 3 battle groups. Having the flexibility to have kroaks spells go off in 2 zones would be nice and would better utilize his point cost.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2023
  8. Slikus-Vaw

    Slikus-Vaw New Member

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    I was just reading the guards warscroll and from my understanding, say I have a hero that has 2 separate units of guard next to it. Hero gets some damage before allocating them you can pass it on to the guard unit but since I have 2 next to the hero if one of the guard units fails that roll the other unit that is close to the hero can also try and take the damage. I just don’t see anywhere on the warscroll saying only one unit with this ability or anything along those lines.

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