So after much procrastination im left with a few boxes of obsolete lizards and no desire really to fork over another small fortune for the new ones. There lies the pickle in the pie stack.
Buy some old Warhammer Fantasy rule and army books off used-book or charity shop websites or EBay and use them in whichever Fantasy edition you like. Job done .
GW replacing the Saurus Cavalry with the dull Jurassic World mega-velociraptors and making Razordons unusable in AoS now. Also @vemaniks may not be happy that GW have rebooted the Saurus Warriors if he has a lot of the old ones - a more trivial problem, but easily solvable by using the old Saurus in Fantasy, the game they were designed for.
I will be unaware of any mechanical reasons why they would be unplayable in AOS as I do not play it. However they will be well suited to previous editions and now TOW