Regarding the "Cosmic Power" section of the Starborne Allegiance battle traits in the leaked battletome, it says: - you get 1 cpp for each starborne wizard at the start of your hero phase and - you get 1 cpp each time a friendly starbone wizard sucessfully casts/unbinds/dispel a spell If you give Arcane Tome to your Astrolith Bearer it becomes a wizard right? So it should grant you 2 cpp per turn + 1 per successful cast/unbind/dispel. I'm asking if it could work because I don't know for sure if it does, but if yes it could be a neat optimization
It will probably need a FAQ. Tome also got nerfed heavily, with the caster only knowing Shield + Arcane Bolt. And the Bearer is probably not in a good position to use either of those. Not that consequential for Arcane Bolt, but casting Shield on important targets is key. So while it's a neat trick, generally not worth it imho. Especially considering that you need to run Command Entourage to get a second artefact, first one in summoning lists is always going to be Spacefolder's Stave.
We are limited in our enhancements, and with the recent nerf to Arcane Tome, I would rather spend my extra enhancement on another Skink warlord trait or artefact (shrewd strategist, incandescent retrices, sacred steg helm).
You can't take "extra" command traits. You only ever get 1 per list, and it must go on the model picked to be your general. I think Arcane Tome is a great pick for many lists. I've put it on Astrolith Bearer, Stegadon Chief, and Terradon/Ripperdactyl Chief.
Fair point, but I still value those two artefacts well above the tome in this specific list. Putting it on astro gives diminishing returns since it will be sitting in your back line buffing your other wizards. I don't know that I want to bring a stegchief in the list at all, it is a lot of points in a tight list with a lot of other leaders already. Same for the other two chiefs. I like the idea of walking a Trog up a flank and giving it defensive traits through artefacts (honestly brainfarted on the command trait cap, but also was genuinely more interested in the artefacts on this one). Giving the Steg arcane tome would fit the same role, but it would cost more points, be less durable, and have less range. To be clear, I think arcane tome is still a viable artefact in the right lists.
Arcane tome on old blood on foot. Makes him a node, allows to use endless spells, can teleport then summon addl on top of him, then can give 2+ hit and wound on guard, then 2+ save, in Starborn will give u some hardy saruas as almost all list points should be trig bomb list and a basti.
The text reads "friendly seraphon wizard *or* Starborne astrolith bearer", so no it will not grant you an extra CCP. However, it is one more wizard who can cast and unbind, which would get you more CCP.
Despite it saying or it is still unclear and needs a FAQ, a TO could rule it either way and both would be correct without a faq. Id rule it as +2 CPP.
It's worth calling out that an Arcane Tome on a Stegadon Chief, Ripperdactyl Chief or Terradon Chief will make those units vassals for the Slann, in addition to being Cosmic Nodes.
Astro's count as 1 cpp, arcane tome or no. The way the rule is written Astro bearers can only ever be counted once. Exactly this.