Check this treasure trove out: yours for a cool £50,000 or best offer!
Colour me impressed. Though personally I'd rather just buy whichever boxes amongst that lot which would appeal to me and leave the rest for someone else - much cheaper, and others would win besides me. Perhaps the forum could club up and raise enough cash between us all to buy it all and then hold a 'Great Auction of the Old Ones' where everyone asks for what they want in a post on a first-come, first-served basis?
So much of that lot is straight from when I started playing Warhammer. I remember eyeballing all those boxed sets after school back in middle school.
I would, and I would cry tears of joy, and then turn around, break it down into what I do and do not want to keep, and then resell a bunch of it on ebay to offset the cost
Someone set their expectations rather high. A lesson in surveying a market for potential buyers. Shockingly, didn’t sell. (Going through the pictures made me cringe. That’s either a LOT of money spent or someone managed to knock over GW HQ…)
I suspect what happened was someone opened a storage room at a gaming store that other people forgot about and the person who opened it thought "hey, these are VINTAGE now, I'll clean up on ebay!"