Blog Joshua's weight loss army.

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by jinjerJosh22, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    Hey guy's and welcome to the Blog. This one is a little bit different than a usual painting blog and will cover the journey of birthing a new army all the way from a concept to a complete 2000 or so point army. That in itself is not so unique however the way we are acquiring various units to add to the army will be tied to my own ability to lose weight.

    A little bit of background on myself and why this is something I have decided to do.

    All throughout my teenage years I have been overweight and not just a bit, I was and still am obese. This is something I have always just accepted about myself and have lived with regardless of the health risks involved. I have always been somewhat active so living this way was never a concern, my diet is what has always let me down. I like to eat and I do so when I have nothing better to do and when I eat I like to have portions far bigger than anyone should be eating.

    Without knowing for sure I would say I was about 120KGs at the time of meeting(online) my partner if not more. This is the time I started to turn things around for the better. I started walking a lot more in order to have something to talk about and that alone gave me the motivation to be even more active. Shortly after meeting my partner I moved to the Netherlands where my diet improved tenfold, though portion size has still been an issue the quality of the food was much better. Within the first 9 months of our relationship I achieved a weight of around 105KGs while still Obese I don't think I've ever felt so good about myself both physically or mentally. I needed a complete wardrobe refresh which turned out to be a lot of fun not something I ever expected. I was happy with myself despite still not being near a healthy weight it was still refreshing.

    Then my wife got pregnant and here's where it went wrong for me. Me and my wife do everything together, so when she becomes less active, I become less active. When she eats more I naturally eat... more. The big problem with this is my body's reaction to eating more. I gain weight a lot easier than I lose it.
    I'm currently 118.5KGs having risen recently from around a consistent 115KGs.

    So here's my solution Warhammer. :D

    Thanks for taking the time to read this I'll post more details on the actual plan another time once I work them out for myself :p
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That is an open an honest view in your personal life, Thanks for sharing.

    I like the approach you are having ;) Warhammer can help
    Good luck setting your parameters and get working on it!

    You can do it!

    Grrr, !mrahil
  3. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    How the army is built the rules:
    The first reward point will be at 115kg from then on every 5kg will be the next reward down until 100kg which is the initial “big goal” or small goal if you will :p. Once I hit the weight target I must weigh myself once again a week later. If I have remained under the target weight then I may pick out the reward of choice. To be clear the target is to be bellow the goal e.g. 114.9, 109.9 etc...

    There is technically no rules on what can be purchased in one go but since the idea is to build it up overtime it would be a little silly to buy a Christmas bundle for example. I'm going to keep it fair and say 100 euros is the maximum budget for each goal with the exception of the “Big Goal” which I have already decided on.

    The Big goal reward is: The Lord of Change :D

    Thank you so much :D
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you for letting us into your life. I hope you reach your goals, in a healthy manner.

    Excited to see your army grow and your goals worked on and achieved :)
  5. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    First of all, congratulations on upcoming small lizardspawn. :D

    Second of all, I know what you feel. While I was always a little chubby when growing up, after graduation I took office job and it went downhill from there. 8 hours of sitting followed by rest of the day playing on PC, boardgames, pr watching movies, sleep and repeat. I weighted 119Kg when kiddo arrived.

    But man, it will get better. I can assure you that when this little bugger come, you will not rest. :D
    There were stroller walks, stress, sleep deprivation. All those things that are great for weight loss (well... not really healthy, but whatever helps). I took stroller, loaded some great audiobook in phone (make sure to have just one earplug so you can hear surroundings) and went for 6-8 km circuit. One everyday after work, two of those during weekends. Make sure to have reeeeeally comfortable boots. :D
    By the time kiddo was year old, I lost about 12-15 kilos just by being a parent. :D Those were initial ones that are easy to loose. Then another year and I went 10 more, since it was not just stroller, but trying to catch him running away as well. :D
    Last about half-year, I am stable at 96-99 kilos and love the feeling. Bottom line is that as someone that was where you are now, you can do it and what is better, it will probably happen naturally around kiddo. :D
  6. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    Thank you both :D

    This is an important part and something that I want to stress. For me I think it's the case of eating less often and smaller portions for the most part.
    Fantastic story to hear and I'm super happy how that has worked out for you :D Truly an inspiring experience.

    I think I will add to the story since I skipped ahead a little at the end. The story involved our first child, she was born a year and a half ago now and for sure she keeps us on our toes especially now. :D I think I'd likely be worse off if it wasn't for her for sure.

    I should add our second spawn should only be about 8 weeks or so from arriving. :p

    Also actual models chosen are subject to change :p
  7. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    I'm going to try and update this weekly but no guarantee, it's not like I'm keeping track constantly though I am trying to weigh myself at the same time of day which is in the evening after almost all eating it done.
    Yesterday I came in at around 116.3kg to my delight.

    After a week of battling myself to try and figure what faction I wanted to do this with I have finally settled on one....
    Slaves to Darkness - Legion of the first prince
    I've always considered them as the Chaos faction I wanted to collect, after all the first model i ever painted was an old chaos warrior ;)
    However Slaanesh won out for me in The Age of Sigmar both the looks and the interesting gameplay were too enticing for me to turn down. Now things have changed having spent days coming up with a list that interests me both at 1k and 2k. The 2k list includes a Keeper whilst both are led by the First prince himself Be'lakor, the Dark Master.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Love me some Slaanesh, and have wanted to get Be'lakor for a long time now. Excited to see how it all comes together!
    Noxolotl and jinjerJosh22 like this.
  9. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    Update time :D
    It's generally going quite well aside from a relapse at the end of the first or second week my weight has be going down, so much so that I have started the army :D
    Maybe cheating slightly but my weight has been ranging around 114 and 115.5kgs. My eating habits have improved with the occasional exception but overall it's going in the right direction.
    The target remains to get that range under 115kg but the next goal is already on my mind.

    As for the army I'm choosing to do the smart thing and focusing mainly on Hedonites, however exploring bringing allies and coalition allies from Slaves to Darkness and Beats of Chaos. I'll post a picture tomorrow :D
    Noxolotl, JTSleep and Imrahil like this.
  10. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    The progress so far.
    Wonderful model, it has been a lot of fun to paint up to this point :D
  11. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    That's a gorgeous model for sure!
    Noxolotl and jinjerJosh22 like this.
  12. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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  13. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    This is still a thing.... thought he progress is rather Christmasy.... do I really need to explain any more :p
    The plan was always going to be a long term goal and not something that was going to be updated regularly as much as I would of like to do so. With this said my resolve is restored :D
    JTSleep likes this.

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