So the new Ironjawz supplement is out. Man, why can't we have nice things when it comes to monsters? lol! The Maw Grunta with Hakkin Crew isn't *that* much more powerful than a Carnosaur in terms of damage, but man it has all sorts of great abilities baked into it and is actually designed to fit into what the Ironjawz do best, which is charge and deal damage. They also get their own special monstrous rampage and 3 different build options Very nice to see the Orks getting some good things, but honestly every time I see how much better overall other factions' monsters are than ours I cry internally a little bit On a positive note, adding a supplement with new models like this gives me at least a shred of hope that we might see the return of units like Razordons, better Temple Guard and more and better heroes in similar supplements in the future
Hey, they still haven't taken the Eternity Warden off the website - he'd be great as a guard-buffing mini-hero, like he was in the first AoS Seraphon book.
I would like to see some really strong dinosaur that rips faces by itself. Kroq-Gar on Grimlock was able to turn the tide of a battle agains the horde of daemons, without the need to recur to shenanigans granted by external support. Seraphon is an army with strong synergies, but i would like to field a melee monster as a VLoZD.
A little points update of the Slann: And some more updates: Grrr, !mrahil
Well I planned on taking Soulblight to a game night next week at 1000 points.... Took me a while to come up with a list I was happy with, guess it's going to take me another while In other news it's a party Laviadons can be taken as allies. Hey an excuse to get one.
well looks like my coalesced list just lost a slann. I've been really leaning into blizzard, with rules change and points increase I'm not sure i can justify bringing my warted purple frog in my list. For ten points more you get two starseers.
Yeah, +15 pts is tough on a unit we really need, but that's why GW did it. I will say, this is similar to the Salamander point increases with our previous book; meaning we just have to suck it up. I think the change to Blizzard really affects Starborne more. Although Telepathic Summons could have been used in Coalesced, it's not as common a pick these days.
I think the increase makes the skinks a more viable only wizard for magic light coalesced rather then a second choice only if you want to lean into magic a bit 15 is a lot but at least it doesn't end in 5 now
Seraphon absolutely deserve to have a hard-hitting monster on the same level as the VLoZD or other factions big beasties. And in my opinion, that should be the Carnosaur. They were said to have hunted Dragons to extinction in old Lustria, and Kroq-Gar with Grymloq was one of the most powerful non-magical characters in the Old World. The fact that we're *still* lacking a single named character other than Lord Kroak is criminal, we need another Old World hero brought out of stasis or we need new AoS equivalents of characters like Kroq-Gar, Gor-Rok, Nakai,Oxyotl, Tehenahuin and Tiktaq'to. (I would say an actually competitive version of the Dread Saurian as well, but GW sadly seems to have abandoned true giant monsters as playable models)
I might be off base, but I think GW is reluctant to give Seraphon a powerful melee Carno (on the same level as the VLoZD) due to our strong casting. If they ever did, I'd expect the Slann or Kroak to become even more expensive to balance it out.
I personally wouldn't say it's because of strong casting, but rather because the whole army range must be balanced with summoning in mind just because of Starborn being a thing. Scrap that mechanic or provide separate Coalesced/Starborn warscrolls for every non-Slann unit, and you'd be better able to throw in that VLoZD equivalent somewhere.
The most realistic way to do that would be something like plus 1 attacks for monsters in coalesced and something like slann lose the plus casting that's on their warscroll but I think the carnos problem as a monster is primarily it's durability
Vengeful Defender is a decent Command Trait on a Carno. In one of my games, it made him much more durable. I do wish the trait just gave him a 3+ save, but it's still solid.
Touché. Good points. I often think about that with Starborne, but forget to mention it. I agree that it's the combo of summoning and teleporting shenanigans along with good casters.
All GW should do is to give a powerful melee-oriented named character, that cannot be targeted by certain effects (teleport or similar). You don't scrap our rules, but you give us a single unit that "swaps" utilities for sheer power.
Its funny. I have yet to find time to play in the new book and its been changed so many times already.
That is the big downside for me to even try learning to play the game... (@NIGHTBRINGER : I already know the solution you will bring ) Grrr, !mrahil