AoS Doubles Lists

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Browncoat, Oct 29, 2023.

  1. Browncoat
    Jungle Swarm

    Browncoat New Member

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    Hey All,

    I'm coming back into the game after a 4 or 5 year break. Still working on converting all of my models off of square bases lol. I signed up for a doubles tournament with my spouse and we are both excited at jumping back into the hobby but I'd love some feedback on our list since we are both coming in fresh. I'm sure there are some simple things we are missing. We wanted to run two Seraphon lists together for some synergy, one starborne and one coalesced. I know it'll ultimately be up to the specific tournament organizer but typically any of the rules that say "any friendly Seraphon" would allow us to buff each other correct?

    The idea for the list is a strong saurus line in front of starborne casters generating cosmic power points.

    Kroak 395 (could always go with a Slann/Lord of Celestial Resonance to save points)
    Trog 270 (general, Master of Star-Ritals, Sacred Stegadon Helm)
    2x 10 skinks 170
    astrolith bearer 140

    Total: 975

    Coalesced (Koatl's Claw)
    Old Blood on foot 135 (general, Vengeful Defender, Soteks Gaze or Blade of Realities)
    10 saurus 200
    20 saurus 400

    Total: 735 with 265
    Then I could add in a bastilladon (200), two units of saurus guard (260), or one unit of saurus guard and swap out the general for a scar vet on carnosaur.
    Doons likes this.
  2. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Clearly ^ labeled ^ good advice.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2023
  3. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    Points costs seem off.
    The Starborne come up to 1000 points, Kroak is 410 while skinks are 90 each.
    The Coalesced are cheaper, Saurus are 180 and a oldblood is 130 to make 670.
    Warhammer community should have the current points listings in their downloads section as well as there handy Warscroll builder.
    Doons likes this.

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