Today's Rumour Engine: Another scaly(?) claw... This will most likely be the for the same reveal as Rumour Engine from 25 July Grrr, !mrahil
I added the Rumour Engines of the last two weeks: 3 October: Gave me some Cursed City vibes... Interested to see what it will be. And 10 October: Grrr, !mrahil
Yesterday's Rumour Engine is up: Hand-crossbow with what looks like a semi automatic magazine. Because of that I am leaning towards something Necromunda. Grrr, !mrahil
Although it does look a bit advanced, I guess it could be a Cities of Sigmar unit or a War Cary/Underworld model.
Yesterday's Rumour Engine: It looks like stuff on a base for a sorcerer figure, most likely Age of Sigmar. Grrr, !mrahil
I like it, Soldier. Chuck it at that carnifex! Cut left, carnifex, roar and accompanied body movement Cut Right, whatever this rumor engine is, chucking that landmine, Cut left again, Landmine down the carnifex's gullet explosion Double cut to simulate 360 turn the guardsman and the officer .
With last weekend's reveals came some solutions of Rumour Engines. The Night Lords Kill Team solves two 2 May: And 23 May: Grrr, !mrahil
It looked to me that Runour Engine of 29 August would be solved as well: but It seems like the Rumour Engine has bones in the wing, that the FEC are lacking. (More of a difference is the lack of muscle tissue in the Rumour Engine) Grrr, !mrahil
Yesterday's Rumour Engine: Quite a big hand if the stone is indeed an archway (which it looks like to me) Are we thinking Gargant, Troll or another creature? Grrr, !mrahil
Guys? Guys? Is the Advent Engine 2023! On the first day of Advent, GW leaked to me A handful of feathers On the second day of Advent, GW leaked to me One skeleton with a parchement and A handful of feathers On the third day of Advent, GW leaked to me One minefield warning One skeleton with a parchement and A handful of feathers On the fourth day of Advent, GW leaked to me One fancy cloak One minefield warning One skeleton with a parchement and A handful of feathers On the fifth day of Advent, GW leaked to me A four pointed stick One fancy cloak One minefield warning One skeleton with a parchement and A handful of feathers On the sixth day of Advent, GW leaked to me Nurgle's secrets recipes A four pointed stick One fancy cloak One minefield warning One skeleton with a parchement and A handful of feathers