It came to my attention that different GW stores can have a different policy on how to hand out the miniature of the month. This made me wonder what the most used method is. So I made a poll for a change. If you toke a vote you can perhaps also comment your vote and which country your GW store is in, to see if there even is a difference within countries as well. Grrr, !mrahil
In the GW stores I visited in the Netherlands the policy is to assemble it in store yourself. Grrr, !mrahil
It was in a little tiny box. It was a Stormcast guy. He snapped together really easy. And I only ever saw this once, so I have no idea what is routine.
So they pre clipped the sprue for you and put all pieces in a little box? (I presume the red cardboard one, they give to take it home in) Grrr, !mrahil
No clue. Went into my local GW one time for the free model (I think was supposed to be a Witch Elf) and was told they had run out. I've been back to the shop a few times to pick up small items like paints and such but never inquired about another model nor was I ever offered one. I seldom go to that Warhammer store as there are better FLGS in the area (and Ebay of course!). Is there a website that lists the model of the month?
There's usually an article on the official Warhammer Community page that lists the month's coin (if you spend £60 or more) as well as what the model of the month will be and the date it will arrive in stores. My store started off with all the parts loose in the box but after a few months changed it so you had to sit in the store and build it (something about health and safety with small parts or somesuch thing, though I think it also means they can get you sitting in there so you are more likely to buy things.) The overall idea is pretty good and I have been getting said model of the month for over a year now. It gives you something very different to paint as well as a chance to experiment with techniques (squig model I experimented with OSL, Grey Knight I had fun trying to make a blue mirrored power blade, Idoneth Deepkin I had a shot at making a beach-like base and water, e.t.c.) Oh and UK for me.
Each month they are announced on the Warhammer community website like this: Grrr, !mrahil
At my store they said it is to prevent people from putting the model in sprue up on secondhand webshops (which apparently happened quite a lot) It certainly is fun to mix up models to paint once in a while. It also helps to get a feel for the design of the new models(when they are MotM) Grrr, !mrahil
What I remember was a box that was about 4x4x6 cm. One infantry figure inside. You needed to ask for Spacemarine or “Sigmarine” — they had two choices. The box wasn’t red. I don’t remember having to clip sprues.
Ah I know what you mean now. The figurine that you refer to is the start here now miniature. Every newcomer can build/paint a single miniature either Spacemarine or Stormcast in the store. These are always the same model. But every month there is a model chosen, most of the times in line with new releases (once they are available in store, after pre order) For instance Novemeber's miniature is a warrior of the Cities of Sigmar, June had a Saurus Warrior, July a Termagant etc.. Grrr, !mrahil
You often have to ask for the model of the month and there's usually a little corner table where it is already set up. Normally they have stock of them (depending on the store and the footfall, i.e ones in the heart of major cities will possibly run out - Cardiff I know has had that issue) as a lot of people just don't seem to be doing it as much which is surprising. I guess the factor of having to ask, having to often build in shop, and feeling pressured to spend money is a turn off.