A Guide To Myriad Creatures Wild And Terrible - Chief Naturalist Alfredo Felguera, Royal University of Magritta. (A collaborative work by Mr.Crocodile and all credited artists and concept-creators)
Here is the direct link to "Chapter 1: Prefaces & Introduction" of the Great Lustrian Bestiary, an in-setting medieval-style bestiary I've been working on for almost a year. The Bestiary's second chapter "Tome I: Maritime & Coastal Fauna of Lustria." is going live next friday. (if you are wonderign why it's only being posted on ao3, it's the because the overall work is so long -more than 400 pages full of images- that I just don't think it's practical or feasible to double-post it like my stories.
Here is the direct link to "Tome I: Maritime & Coastal Fauna of Lustria" , the bestiary's forst proper chapter. This beastie includes 90+ imgaes and almost as many entries, and give you all a good idea of the mix of irl, fantastical and "in-betweener" creatures this document features. btw @Scalenex could it be possible to add a link in the Lustriapedia?
Here is the direct link to "Tome II: Freshwater Fauna of Lustria" , which looks like it's going to be the bestiary's longest segment. Almost 215 images in entries from as modest as fooder fish to water-dwelling monster capable of swallowing adventurers whole!
Here are the links to "Tome III: Invertebrates of Lustria" & "Tome IV: Volant Fauna of Lustria", with these two tomes, we have reached halfway through the bestiary in terms of pagecount, with the remaining tomes being noticably more focused on smaller segemnts of the Lustrian fauna.
Here's the link to "Tome V: Lesser Herbivores of Lustria", after this tome, the remaining ones will start being shorter but focused on the kind of stuff most people are really here for
Here's the link to "Tome VI: Warm-Blooded Herbivores of Lustria", this tome is quite short, but does have the dubious honor of holding some canon creatures that I somehow came up with before Cubicle 7. (If you want an explanation, the toxon and willembeest entries were written years ago, but I had to rename and re-edit them because the WFRP book for Lustria mentioned creatures with the exam same design and inspiration)
Here's the link to "Tome VII: Grand Cold-Blooded Herbivores of Lustria", this tome is probably going to be a fave for most of you, as it holds many of Lustria's beloved and massive cold-blooded creatures alongsides a good deal of original and fan-made creatures with original art.
Apologies for the long silence! Since my last post, two new Bestiary Tomes have been added! - Tome VIII: Lesser Predators of Lustria - Tome VIV: Greater Predators of Lustria These two probably feature most people's favourite Lustrian critters, and actually are the last tomes of the bestiary! After this, readers can expect two addendums and a closing chapter!
Here is the first addendum to my Lustrian Bestiary! Addendum I: On the Beasts of the Jungle Swarms Warning, this one is full of exactly the kinds of creepy crawlies you expect out of the term "Jungle Swarm."
And here's the second addendum and penultimate section to the Lustrian Bestiary! Addendum II: On Some Beasts of Note Found in the Southlands and Far East This is the one most heavily laddened with originals and community ideas, which also means tons of new art!
Apologies for taking so long to actually post the link to this, life was very busy this week! BUT! I'm happy to say that with the Coda & Acknowledgments chapter, this mega-project is finished at 500 pages and almost as many entries! I can't belive it's finished, but I'm glad to know that there's been people following along for as long as I've been working on it. I will be taking a deserved rest from these fanlore compendiums for a while, but worry not, the Lustrian Atlas will return!