TOW and WAP prefix for list building

Discussion in 'Ideas, problems and feedback' started by Gothmog Lord of Balrogs, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    Just in case anyone hasn't thought about it, would be great if the LM&SA list threads had the prefix options for The Old.World and Warhammer Army Project added
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Certainly for TOW, but I'm not sure if it's worth encouraging a WAP tag, given that TOW will take a lot of players away from Eliasson's fan-made '9th Edition' and GW have given him a Cease and Desist order. His time has passed.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  3. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    The C&D was for lore and art. Not rules. WAP still has completely supported rules and army lists available today.

    If 9th Age is still going to stay a thing, I don't see why WAP can't be.

    It's still currently the only way to play certain cool factions of the Warhammer world.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    This is another one of those rare times where we are in complete agreement. TOW definitely needs a tag, but not WAP. I can't recall a single time where WAP was discussed in any meaningful way on the forum. With the emergence of TOW, WAP will only further fall into obscurity.

    The 9th Age hasn't been a thing on this forum for a very long time (same for Kings of War for that matter). WAP on the other hand, has never been a thing on the forum.

    Not only is it not the only way, it isn't even remotely close to being the best way.

  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    It most certainly is - as @NIGHTBRINGER says, those factions can easily be played in 8th Edition and TOW if someone's willing to write an army list for them for use in those games. Indeed I myself have written fan-made army lists for some of them, in particular Albion and Fimir - the former because, as an armchair historian of Brythonic and Gallic Celts I found Eliasson's concepts and army list for it to be absolutely horrible, the latter because what remained of Eliasson's army list for them was barebones and not kept up to the standard of his other works. Both my army lists for these two factions are already available for 8th Edition, in my Great Library of Lunaxoatl thread here:’s-unofficial-army-book-index.20859/, and I am also working on TOW counterparts for them that I will add to the Library in time.

    Funnily enough, Eliasson originally intended WAP to be a suite of expansion army lists for first 7th and then 8th Edition, before he decided to get on his high horse and write his own 9th Edition, thinking everyone would choose it after the destruction of 8th. By doing that, and fully replacing his 7th and 8th Edition works with their '9th Edition' counterparts rather than keeping them all alive and accessible, he has gone the way of The Ninth Age, wholly abandoned GW's official rulesets and gone his own way. Now that TOW has firmly re-established GW's presence in the Warhammer Fantasy market, and plans to eventually start releasing models and rules for factions Eliasson previously had the monopoly on, his 9th Edition will follow The 9th Age into oblivion. It's amusing, because at one point I was almost about to fall into the same trap by working on my own '9th Edition', something I raised a thread on this very forum about to gather ideas a while back. Yet TOW, in a spooky turn of events, adopted many of the ideas I had decided to go with, to the point that I'm wholly pleased to accept it as The Real 9th Edition, and thus have avoided making the mistakes Eliasson has.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  6. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    I mean, I have a large historical Samurai Army that I like using Nippon for because I don't just want them to be "counts as" Empire.

    If no one uses the tag no one uses it. But I just think yucking on someone else's yum is never cool, and so having the option there for anyone who wants to try and share a list would be neat. You don't have to read the post, and I highly doubt it would detract from people playing TOW. Already have to be pretty dedicated to gaming to see out a faction specific forum these days.

    And a tag for OPR fantasy would probably be easy to.

    More people playing Lizards in whatever ruleset they play would only be a good thing for the main game, TOW and AOS

    GW tracks sales of minis, not games played.

    Not talking about making a sub forum or anything.

    Just an idea for a simple prefix on a drop down menu. I mean 5th ed has one and when younfilter by that there are no posts. So should be no harm in adding an option on the menu even if no one uses it
    Imrahil likes this.
  7. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I quite understand that, it's a great idea that you're using your Samurai in Fantasy and I certainly wouldn't want to stop you from continuing to do that, but where the traffic on this forum is concerned, who else will be interested in a post relating to Warhammer Armies Project? By contrast, if you were to present your Nippon army ideas to the existing TOW and 8th Edition communities here, you're much more likely to generate interest.

    I could always write a TOW army list for them, or perhaps even you could if you fancy it. Certainly given that Eliasson isn't interested in TOW, there is a vacancy for the author of a TOW Nippon Arcane Journal up for grabs. Indeed if you were to have a go at translating his Nippon rules to 8th Edition or TOW, and advertise your work to the relevant communities you'll win over a good few more fans, and get the satisfaction out of writing your own rules to boot. I'd be interested to see what sort of list you could come up with, and I know of someone who'd likely be interested in playtesting a Nippon ruleset.

    Of course my perspective is entirely down to the fact that there is just no interest in WAP here right now, and I doubt there ever will be. If that changes somehow, then of course I'll change my mind, but certainly right now I just don't see any point in trying to catch a ship that already seems to have sailed.
  8. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    The "Fantasy" category of forums now has a prefix for The Old World (TOW).
    In regards to Warhammer Army Project, I don't think we ever really had any significant discussion about it. If people start posting about it, and it gets traction we can come back and add a prefix for it.

    Most probably, we could remove the reference to Saurian Ancients (9th Age) since they ended up going with a central forum hosted themselves and refused to link out. Similar to Kings of War, we had a few active members when it was added, and I was talking with Mantis back when we had the painting contest where they were one of the sponsors; the plan was to redirect their forum section for Salamanders, but it did not pan out when it was discussed higher up.

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