TOW Cold one oldlord configurations

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Kalisto, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Which one would you choose in a tournament without monstrous creature at 1999? (Usual non mounted creature such Stegadon still allowed). I’ll probably play the Slann giving him stupidity at 9. Both 1 and 4 will be stupid.

    1) Tzunki + talisman of protection
    2) Horned one glyph necklace headman axe
    3) great weapon, bedazzling helmet, talisman of protection, horned one
    4) ogre blade + talisman of protection
  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    It really depends on the rest of your list, the comp (because this tournament sounds heavily comped), point level, and what you expect to face.

    Honestly, i think limits on the types of Behemoths you can take in our army is very rough. I feel we are kinda being punished for our relatively fair monsters in some anti behemoth comps. I mean a Skink Chief Steg has 7 wounds, 4+ save and probably a 5+ ward. He is good, but not unkillable and definitely not unfun. The problems are High Elves, WoC and Orks being able to play 400-600 point Behemoths with a 2+ save, 7-9 wounds, 5+ regen and 5+ ward..
  3. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Thank for your reply...yeah is quite tough, I cannot neither play skink on terradon since its monstrous cavalry! (only usual cavalry is allowed).

    Well I expect to meet lot of ogres and trolls, but max 1 big behemot like giants and so for army. Lot of cavalry too. So maybe multiple wounds is not necessary, something against a good save will be good.
    Tzunki is probably the best but I dont know if i dare stupidity, not sure i could be always within 18 to use leadership 9.

    Headman axe is probably good since it gives you both high strength -1 ap and killing blow (perfect for trolls with multiple wounds and regeneration). The bad is you have only armours save 4+ but you strike before great weapons.
    Great weapon option is really good since you have good saves and everyone will hit you at 5+.

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