Any Epic 40K fans out there?

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, May 30, 2024.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Here's something new I've thought of to discuss with my fellow Lizards...

    Last week I was out and about in one of my favourite model shops, which deals arguably more in second-hand stuff than brand new stuff, and not long after I first walked in through the door I noticed something that I'm sure had never been there before and had been brought in after I had been there last time (way back at the beginning of this year) - quite a small cardboard box, probably about 6 inches long and wide, and half that deep, full of teeny-tiny plastic Epic 40,000 Space Marines, Orks and Craftworld Eldar from the 1990s, specifically I believe from the 2nd incarnation of Space Marine. I'd never actually seen any Epic 40K models up close and personal before, and thought that they looked pretty good considering how small they are (6mm), and how long ago they were made.

    Since then, over the past few days I've become most intrigued by this and am looking up the online communities that keep the Epic 40K scene alive (Net Epic Armageddon in particular looks most appealing) and sources of miniatures for other armies (I've already found a most enticing seller of 3D-printed Epic Necrons), and as part of that I thought I'd ask around this most noble of forums.

    Do any Lizards here play some version of Epic 40K? Which Edition, according to the chart below (or dare I say it the new Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis), do you play? Which armies do you have?

    Let's see if we can cultivate some love for Epic-scale wargaming!
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I couldn't resist picking up these four stands of 6mm Necron Warriors from the 1990s second-hand for £2:

    All right, truth be told, they're actually Chaos Androids - any veterans of 1st and 2nd Editions of 40K (or Space Crusade) will attest that 40K's original Necron-like robots were malevolent Terminator-esque constructs aligned to Chaos (most likely the Dark Mechanicum), and the Epic 40K releases at the time made some of these alongside numerous other models for the Chaos Space Marine line (including Beastmen!). It was only in the time of 3rd Edition that GW had the better idea of having these 'androids' hail from an ancient, long-believed-extinct xenos race, whereupon the Necrons were born. As it is, these still bear a lot of resemblance to later incarnations of Necron Warriors, and will thus serve very well as the first of the Laurekh Dynasty's legions in Epic scale.

    A couple of them have slightly broken Gauss Flayers so it'll be a real test of my growing greenstuff skills to remould the broken bits, and it'll be most interesting to see how I get on painting something so tiny.

    Additionally, the third stand from left appears to have a human figure in the middle rather than a Necron, but one thing about the model being so small is that it should actually be quite easy to convert this meatbag into some sort of Necron Lord - some greenstuffed shoulder blades and a head crest plus a Necron paint scheme should do the trick.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Never played it, altough once i saw a massive game played with one of the older editions.
    Currently, my chances of playing Epic are 0%... at most, i could be able to test the new Adeptus Titanicus, but that's far from granted.
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    That's fair, I presume down to nobody in your area playing it?

    The Epic games do seem to have some life still on the Tactical Command forums and Discord, but of course these players could be located anywhere, and I have no idea as to the scene in my own local area at this point. But if I am lucky enough to meet anyone in my area who plays Epic Armageddon, I'd definitely be up for playing it.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    exactly, and i know almost everyone :p

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