Can someone in the UK give me context for what is going on? (Political)

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Scalenex, Aug 2, 2024.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    What the Mahrlect is going on?

    The second video is age restricted so I can't post here but here is a link.

    It looks like it's not an exaggerated claim that the UK police have a two tiered legal system. Immigrants get a free pass by UK police to violently protest and set things on fire while ethnic British men get rounded up and beaten for no reason.

    Unless there is some missing context that I'm not seeing this seems untenable.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Only just got round to posting my thoughts on this.

    It's very much typical that, in their eagerness to decry or discuss the actions of far-Right (or even just Right of any level) protesters, everyone seems to have glazed over the fact that the far-Left used the goings-on to commit violence of their own in some areas (most notably in Bolton, where a peaceful pro-British protest movement was attacked by "British" Muslims shouting 'Allahu Akbar', a known Islamist terrorist slogan). In short, both sides of the extremist spectrum were involved in the violence, though of course only Left-wing groups that were peacefully protesting were celebrated, and only Right-wing groups that were actually committing violence were vilified.

    With regards to the Police in this country, two arguments exist to explain such actions - on the one hand, many of this country's Goverment-run institutions are controlled by Left-wing sympathisers (a relic from when the arseling Tony Blair was in power and filled them with his cronies). The Civil Service, the main TV stations (with the exception of GB News), Universities and schools certainly - though whether the Police is one of them I'm unsure. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a Left-wing faction within its upper echelons. However, much more obvious is the fact that if the Police do arrest criminals of ethnic minority for known crimes they have committed, the definite Left-controlled media very often pounces upon them and immediately give them ridiculous amounts of flak (of course in an attempt to portray our country as having 'George Floyd' issues like the US), so though the Police often tries to do its job, it feels pressured to tread carefully around ethnic minorities to avoid getting bad publicity. Of course, the argument could be made that Police officials should just show more spine and ignore the media's BS, but as a service that relies upon preserving trust with the people it exists to protect, bad rep is not what the Police wants if it wishes to avoid being demonised as the Gestapo (because the Left are very much in power to brand people as such if it fits their agenda right now).

    In short, it's all the fault of the above institutions that have become fully corrupted by the Left. And the worst thing is that even if corporations eventually get the message that going woke will get them broke, government institutions aren't reliant upon making a profit and so wouldn't be persuaded by such an outcome. Only a concerted sacking of Left-wing sycophants would achieve the same effect in said institutions, and of course such an action would give a PM a potential image of looking like a dictator. So, over here in Britain at least, we end up with either having a right-wing Conservative government that is blocked and dragged down by the Left-wing institutions at every turn, or a left-wing Labour government that just sits back and lets said institutions do their evil thing because they want it to happen.

    Of course this whole debacle was in part triggered by Starmer getting into power with only 20% of the national vote (a failure of our first-past-the-post system, as mentioned before) - a hint that most people didn't want the sod to be PM, though were too split between the Conservatives, the Liberal Democrats and Reform UK to vote someone else in. We know he will do bugger all to deal with the illegal immigration issue, as Labour wants them all in to recruit them as extra voters and to fulfil their dream of browning the UK. I do find it interesting how already he has already been found out of being involved in cronyism after only around 3 months in power, despite the best attempts of the Left-run media to cover it up, and I do wonder how long he will last (hopefully not long). But even if he is ousted, would his replacement from another party do anything about the Left-wing institutions that are dragging the country down, poisoning its culture with US-imported wokism and playing a part in manipulating people to sympathise with illegal economic migrants? The only real alternatives are Sir Ed Davey (who likely wouldn't), Nigel Farage (who might but is a friend of Trump and not entirely against Putin) or whoever wins the Conservative leadership contest to replace Rishi. I can't see Cleverley doing it, he's too moderate, and I'm also sceptical about Badenoch. Tugenhadt might... possibly. Jenrick seems to be the most promising in that he vowed to take an especially hard stance on the illegal immigration issue, but whether he's as good as his word and whether he can do what must be done without being blocked by the institutions remains to be seen. And would he take the great steps needed to return said institutions to political neutrality?

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2024 at 8:46 AM
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