Games Workshop allows you to greenlight a project, what do you choose?

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by - Q -, Oct 7, 2024 at 4:26 AM.

  1. - Q -

    - Q - Well-Known Member

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    Imagine for a second that the Games Workshop higher-ups inform you that you can choose a project and they will see it through to completion. The project can be a new army, book, a model, a unit, a terrain piece, an animated series, etc. As long as it is in Games Workshop's power to create, it's fair game. It can be something totally new/unique or something updated/finished from the past. Once completed, the item is available to you and the wargaming community to purchase.

    What do you get Games Workshop to create?
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Now this is a question I am eager to answer!

    A tricky one, to be sure... to be honest it depends on how much involvement in the project they'd let me have. If I were allowed to see every part of the project and request any changes and supply any assisting material I wished, I'd love to see them create a Brythonic Celtic-themed Albion army for TOW, guided by my own army list idea which has been in turn inspired by this legend's artwork.

    However, if I were not allowed to have any involvement beyond the initial request, I'd be too afraid that they'd go the 'easy' route as so many people would and base the army too much around campy Gaelic Irish myth (and more recent inspired pop culture fads like Slaine and Highlander) to trust them with making an Albion army. Brythonic Celts or bust! Instead I'd request them to release full Arcane Journal and plastic model support for the TOW factions currently under the 'Legacy' label (including a fully-updated plastic army for the Chaos Dwarfs), to end the debate on whether they will eventually get improved support or not with the most desired outcome.

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