Hi folks, Quick question, what novels in the Warhammer range are Lizardmen featured prominently? I fancy reading some. Thanks in advance!
There is also the Burning Shore, by Richard Knaak if I recall the author correctly. It was the earliest, possibly the first novel we featured in.
It was Robert Earl who wrote it. It's not bad, not great either. Like other Black Library novels of the time, it inspired me to try writing up army lists based on the forces described in the book.
I bought the Adventures of Florin and Lorenzo omnibus a couple months back, of which Burning Shore is the first novel. Just like the first time I read it, it's giving me ideas for army lists to write up.
Have you also read The Temple and the Serpent, and if so, which of the two books would you say was better?
Yes I have read Temple of the Serpent. The chapters from Grey Seer Thanquol's POV are pretty amusing. And C.L. Werner is a pretty good author. Of the Florin and Lorenzo series, I think Burning Shore is the weakest, but the series as a whole is good. If you have to pick one, go for Temple of the Serpent.