TOW 2000 pt turnament list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi, Oct 4, 2024.

  1. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    Turnament rules
    Specific Restrictions
    Below is a list of restrictions, and each army must meet ALL but ONE (chosen by the player before creating their army).

    1. Each unit has an additional limit of 0-1 (for troops 0-3). It is therefore not possible to replicate the same unit choice, regardless of the equipment given or the mount chosen. Note however that the “Detachment” unit choices do not count towards this restriction, and that if you choose to ignore these restrictions the maximum limit still becomes 0-3.
    2. The percentage of points that can be spent on Hero choices is reduced to 30%.
    3. A maximum of 6 magic levels are allowed, this sum includes:
    the characters’ magic levels (examples: magic levels 1/2/3/4, Runelord/Runesmith on Anvil of Doom magic level 3/2);
    power levels of bound spells (example: Ruby Ring of Ruin counts as 2 levels);
    power levels of units that cast spells as bound spells (example: Sisters of the Thorns from the Wood Elf Realms);
    units that give modifiers to the casting value of spells do not count towards the above.
    4. Maximum 5 models with the Fly special rule if they have more than 1 wound (this also includes models in the Hero choices).
    5. No model in the Hero choices can have the Behemoth special rule.
    (1 draft that we will be testing in the coming months)
  2. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    What do you think about somethig like that?

    Max Dmg! [1999 pts]
    Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen

    ++ Characters [585 pts] ++

    Saurus Scar-Veteran [296 pts]
    - Great weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - General
    - Carnosaur
    - Talisman of Protection

    Saurus Scar-Veteran [289 pts]
    - Great weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Carnosaur
    - Armour of Meteoric Iron
    - Charmed Shield

    ++ Core Units [807 pts] ++

    18 Saurus Warriors [273 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Spawn Leader (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician

    18 Temple Guard [339 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Halberds
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Revered Guardian (champion) [Ruby Ring of Ruin]
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician

    12 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    12 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    10 Skink Skirmishers [55 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Vanguard

    ++ Special Units [377 pts] ++

    Bastiladon [175 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Thunderous bludgeon
    - Solar Engine

    3 Kroxigors [147 pts]
    - Great weapons
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)

    5 Chameleon Skinks [55 pts]
    - Blowpipes
    - Hand weapons
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)

    ++ Rare Units [230 pts] ++

    Ancient Stegadon [230 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Great horns
    - Giant bow

    Created with "Old World Builder"

  3. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    I thinked to another one without carnosaurs.

    2x Oldblood [1998 pts]
    Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen

    ++ Characters [850 pts] ++

    Saurus Oldblood [260 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - Cold One
    - Horned One
    - Headsman's Axe
    - Glyph Necklace

    Saurus Oldblood [264 pts]
    - Great weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - General
    - Cold One
    - Talisman of Protection
    - Horned One
    - Bedazzling Helm

    Saurus Scar-Veteran [212 pts]
    - Great weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Battle Standard Bearer [Razor Standard]
    - Cold One
    - Armour of Meteoric Iron
    - Horned One
    - Charmed Shield

    Skink Chief [114 pts]
    - Cavalry spear
    - Light armour (Calloused hide)
    - Terradon
    - Charmed Shield
    - Ruby Ring of Ruin

    ++ Core Units [596 pts] ++

    10 Saurus Warriors [147 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Spawn Leader (champion)

    18 Temple Guard [309 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Halberds
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Revered Guardian (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician

    12 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    12 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    ++ Special Units [322 pts] ++

    Bastiladon [175 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Thunderous bludgeon
    - Solar Engine

    3 Kroxigors [147 pts]
    - Great weapons
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)

    ++ Rare Units [230 pts] ++

    Ancient Stegadon [230 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Great horns
    - Giant bow

    Created with "Old World Builder"

  4. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    The only reason to take temple guard is if you have a Slann. And it's not a good reason. Would not take at all without
  5. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    Not agreed. Stubborn shieldwall, for5, armor piercing -1 and armor bane 1. better a solid block of them than a bigger block of saurus.
    anyway you have all 1x choices except the troops. what do you put in their place? honestly I don't see any valid alternatives except a stegadon. And anyway we will play scenarios. I want to see you keep a hill or the tower without infantry. in my opinion it's a forced choice.
  6. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Why are you needing to keep hills or towers?

    You are forced to take Saurus, so take a proper block with spears and ignore the TG. Using halberds robs you of shields so usually using hand weapons is the play

    And yes, a stegadon is a much better option. It's just TOW - infantry aren't good.
  7. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    I don't agree...if you want to play 2 infateries (depending on scenario) TG may be a good choice. In the last tournament mine TG get charged byt 2 heroes on pegasus and 4 pegasus and something else. Had 2 model left. Stubborn and they stayed there...The turn after i countercharged with a lot of things and made him fly. WIthout TG this wouldn't have been possible.

    About lists:
    1) The first one cannot be played, either you choose to play behemots in heroes or to play 2 carnosaurs. So i have intended it. In this case you have to remove stegadon.
    2) The BSB on cold one is a big no for me. Is too fragile. Better to have him in the temple guard unit instead. This list i likes less since you have nothing with multiple wounds. And it's needed...

    BTW: which tournament is this? I cannot join but just to know ;)
  8. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    Same place of your last one, think on dicember. The want dat people play with fun and not linehammer.
    Btw first list is legit, you have to give up point 5 to play two heroes on carnosaur. but behemoths outside of heroes are not counted. so you can play two carnosaurs + stegadon, as long as the sum of the two heroes does not exceed 600 points.

    I think dat second list have more impact dat first one. Ok no extra wounds ok, but better saves/weapon on heroes, you have 2 oldblood and no scar veterans. My idea with battle standard is play it inside temple guard btw.
    Can you make your list please!???
  9. DoubleSkulls

    DoubleSkulls Member

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    Would a Jungle Swarm have made it possible? 8 points per wound is a half that of TG.
    discomute likes this.
  10. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Yes and no....TG have an armour save of 4+ a resistance of 4 (and not 2), can challenge and so on. But yes i have also thank to play 3 swarms 16-20 saurus and 3 units of skirmisher. It depends a lot from scenario and scenario and comp required in each tournament.
  11. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    I have to think about it...can you send me the link in private? Cannot found it on BCP or on facebook. Not sure about what is most effective with those limitations. 2 carnosaur list is good (but i haven't models for the second carnosaur so i couldn't play it).
    It would be nice to play also an oldblood on carnosaur and a caster level 2 with a ruby ring (and bastiladon support).
    Either idk really. Yes slann could be played but just why?
    The only problem that I feel is that you need two slow block of infantery to fill points.
    If you have cold one you could try the crazy combo of wizard hat level 1 hero inside them with the first spell of the troll list (you can reroll stupidity tests). Idk if it worth it although.

    Another good idea could be a list with a lot of heroes on cold one and a caster giving them terror. The problem of that is that you need an 8+ to cast it and even with the slann is not so easy.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2024
  12. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    Actually is a draft file, don’t think dat I can share atm. btw new scenaries are:

    1)dead magic, where magic items don't work, while virtues, Chaos gifts etc. do
    2)magic storm: each time you cast a spell you roll 1d6, on a 1-2 it is considered a failure. and cannot be recast by the same wizard that turn. range missile weapons magic projectiles and war machines halved. units with the flight rule must pass a leadership test each turn to be able to fly.
    3) the tower: dat you have already played
    4) the hills :same
    5) until sunset: the table is divided into 4/4 then in turns they deploy anywhere, only rule 12 io from any enemy unit. Hamburg scout vanguard etc… do not work. the war machines are deployed simultaneously within 12ui of their side of the table and in any case 12ui from any enemy unit. if there is no space to deploy, the units will be put in reserve.
    Just for give you all
    Kalisto likes this.
  13. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    You mean something like that?

    Charge![1997 pts]
    Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen

    ++ Characters [571 pts] ++

    Saurus Oldblood [407 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - General
    - Carnosaur
    - Headsman's Axe
    - Talisman of Protection
    - Armour of Meteoric Iron

    Saurus Scar-Veteran [164 pts]
    - Great weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - Cold One
    - Wizarding Hat
    - Charmed Shield

    ++ Core Units [509 pts] ++

    12 Saurus Warriors [189 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Spawn Leader (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician

    12 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    12 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    12 Skink Skirmishers [60 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)

    3 Jungle Swarms [120 pts]
    - Hand weapons

    ++ Special Units [687 pts] ++

    7 Cold One Riders [310 pts]
    - Cavalry spears
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Drilled
    - Pack Leader (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician
    - Rampaging Banner

    Bastiladon [175 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Thunderous bludgeon
    - Solar Engine

    3 Kroxigors [147 pts]
    - Great weapons
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)

    5 Chameleon Skinks [55 pts]
    - Blowpipes
    - Hand weapons
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)

    ++ Rare Units [230 pts] ++

    Ancient Stegadon [230 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Great horns
    - Giant bow

    Created with "Old World Builder"

  14. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Magic just sucks now compared to before… and a ld test on a lord with ld 9/10 isn’t still a good debug. They should have flying movement instead or something like that.
    Don’t like really these scenario a lot :(
  15. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    The list is good imho but I prefer ogre blade or tzunki on carnosaur (it’s just a personal opinion)

    The best tactic is probably to engage the wizard and then move cold ones nearly . The question is if it’s worth to have so many points in cold ones, maybe I should play just 5 of them without magic banner. Just a pity you cannot take terradons. You have also enough magic levels for engine of gods if you find the point for it.
  16. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    Hat hat Hat! [1998 pts]
    Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen

    ++ Characters [571 pts] ++

    Saurus Oldblood [407 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - General
    - Carnosaur
    - Talisman of Protection
    - Blade Of Revered Tzunki

    Saurus Scar-Veteran [164 pts]
    - Great weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - Cold One
    - Wizarding Hat
    - Charmed Shield

    ++ Core Units [576 pts] ++

    16 Saurus Warriors [261 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shieldwall
    - Spawn Leader (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician

    12 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    12 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    11 Skink Skirmishers [55 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)

    3 Jungle Swarms [120 pts]
    - Hand weapons

    ++ Special Units [381 pts] ++

    5 Cold One Riders [206 pts]
    - Cavalry spears
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Drilled
    - Pack Leader (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician

    Bastiladon [175 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Thunderous bludgeon
    - Solar Engine

    ++ Rare Units [470 pts] ++

    Ancient Stegadon [255 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Great horns
    - Engine of the Gods

    Stegadon [215 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Great horns
    - Giant bow

    Created with "Old World Builder"

  17. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Nice!! Two last things..
    bsb on scarvet? Idk either of its a good idea or not since you would be on a flank. one unit scout it’s enough, make the other vanguard inch 12 skinks. Is good to have some extra drop. Usually we have more than other armies anyway.
  18. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    I usually play duble scout for place all skinks on the free side. Btw i can delete the 3rd unit for play bsb.

    Hat hat Hat! [1998 pts]
    Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen

    ++ Characters [596 pts] ++

    Saurus Oldblood [407 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - General
    - Carnosaur
    - Talisman of Protection
    - Blade Of Revered Tzunki

    Saurus Scar-Veteran [189 pts]
    - Great weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shield
    - Battle Standard Bearer
    - Cold One
    - Wizarding Hat
    - Charmed Shield

    ++ Core Units [551 pts] ++

    16 Saurus Warriors [261 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Shieldwall
    - Spawn Leader (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician

    12 Skink Skirmishers [70 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Scouts

    11 Skink Skirmishers [60 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)
    - Vanguard

    4 Jungle Swarms [160 pts]
    - Hand weapons

    ++ Special Units [381 pts] ++

    5 Cold One Riders [206 pts]
    - Cavalry spears
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Drilled
    - Pack Leader (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician

    Bastiladon [175 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Thunderous bludgeon
    - Solar Engine

    ++ Rare Units [470 pts] ++

    Ancient Stegadon [255 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Great horns
    - Engine of the Gods

    Stegadon [215 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Great horns
    - Giant bow

    Created with "Old World Builder"

  19. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    Bad news: FAQ sta dat the bearer of the hat is not a mage. So he can’t take signature spell :( but be must randomly take a spell.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2024
  20. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Oh :(((

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