The never-ending battle against woke Hollywood and SJW infused entertainment media [trigger warning]

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Oct 14, 2021.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Is this legit? God I hope this is real! :D
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Admittedly, the Daily Mail is a very biased news source, and reports things selectively. But they don't write fiction.

    Link to the story.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    While this is hilarious... and it is (I mean it really really is)... it's reasons like this that will eventually result in China supplanting the USA as the world's premier superpower.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    We might move to a scenario where there are NO super powers and USA and China are on equal footing.

    But the CCP is not going to take over the world. I haven't posted much on L-O on my CCP thread but China has a lot of internal problems right now.

    Dams, roads, bridges, and skyscrapers are falling down. Submarines are sinking. Their new aircraft carrier is decades behind US carriers. Their new rifle sucks compared to other countries weapons. Winnie the Pooh has been purging military leaders that HE appointed and he still has CCP officials from rival factions to worry about.

    Trade shows are tanking, exports are declining, protests are becoming more common (despite the crackdowns), rich Chinese are expatriating themselves (or being arrested), young people are lying flat, the birthrate is dropping, the CCP overstated their population by about 100 million people, the overstated their GDP by a lot, ordinary Chinese people no longer believe the state media.

    Vietnam, Japan, India, the Philippines are getting ballsier about standing up to the CCP. Australia is finally waking up to the CCP as being a threat and ousting CCP spies and puppets. New Zealand, will they have a DEI miliary so they don't matter.

    Granted the CCP has made some diplomatic inroads in Africa but even that is starting to stall out.

    BRICS hasn't really done anything more than symbolic gestures yet because they cannot agree on anything and South Africa and Russia are dragging the rest down.

    China has their own problem with large portions of their own populations turning into whiny little wusses. They call this "The Little Emperor" problem. With the one-child policy, children are spoiled rotten and often grow into soft adults. If the PLA ever went to war, every single soldier lost represents a family line being extinguished which will give the CCP internal unrest to worry about.

    On top of all that. Chinese agricultural sector is really hurting. Communist countries in general have a poor track record for feeding their populations and China is rapidly losing ground on this fight. The median age of a Chinese farmer is quite old because so many young rural people were pushed into cities, so their experienced farmers are dying. Pollution is weakening their soil and water, and natural disasters are wiping out crops too and the CCP doesn't manage floods and droughts very well. Note China has floods and droughts.

    Ukraine is the breadbasket of large parts of the world and is very important to the food supply of the Middle East. As the Middle East has to import foodstuffs from other countries, this rises food prices everywhere and makes it harder for China to import food. A large portion of China's food comes from US exports. If US and the PLA really went to war, China's food crisis would get worse.

    What happens if everyone declines at the same time? I think we will enter a period of history where isolationism becomes the norm as countries look out for themselves.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Beat you to it! :p

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Previous page? I must have missed it! :p

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Killer Angel likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That's possible. The US is not beyond the point of turning things around and this election is a step in that direction. The question is how much can Trump capitalize or will he squander the opportunity?

    I agree with you, both in a physical/geographical/military sense and in a cultural sense. China has ambitions to absorb Hong Kong and Taiwan, but beyond that, I don't think they are that much of a threat.

    In terms of economics, capitalism will outbreed communism in terms of innovation.
  13. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    A failed attempt to murder me could leave me grievously injured. I am concerned that the CCP will cause great suffering in their failed attempt at global domination. They already are causing great suffering but it's right now limited to the people within their own borders and their immediate neighbors.

    You and I are above average intellect but it is probably beyond our ability to predict the course of ideologies in our rapidly changing world.

    Normally I'd say capitalism is a shoe-in for victory but the declining birth rate has me concerned. Note, Communist and post-Communist countries alike have low birth rate.

    As far as I can tell, the birth rate is dropping in every region of the world. It's just dropping faster in the so-called First and Second World countries. This might be a good thing. It makes funding social security difficult with lots of old people and few young workers but a population decline without war or plague means that there is theoretically more food, more land, more houses to go around.


    I don't know what the global order will look like with the population tilted so strongly towards the Third World. They are projected to have a declining birth rate too...but a generation and a half after the rest of the world stops having babies. I think the global population is predicted to peak at 9 billion, then drop precipitously.
  14. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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  15. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Celebrities threaten to leave the country after the election results didn't turn out the way they wanted

  16. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    While I certainly agree that this is definitely an issue to be dealt with, it remains to be seen whether he keeps that promise... he may well do so, in which case good on him, but we should wait until the fat lady (or orange man in this case) sings before we give him any credit.

    This. I would like to say that while I am an only child I'd like to think I am not spoiled or soft... but though the young generations of the West are largely becoming weak-minded and incapable, so are those in China, just in a different way. Couple that with a largely ageing population of adults and negligence of their infrastructure in a few generations' time China will be very much on a steep decline. It's certainly not as if China was still the young, vibrant, rapidly-industrialising nation it was a few decades ago. I wouldn't be surprised if its power has already peaked.

    That would perhaps be a more beneficial outcome for the world as a whole... no more superpowers or alliances trying to oppress or resist each other, and everyone just too busy sorting out their own problems to worry about declaring war on anyone else.

    This is certainly a disturbing prospect... of course if the climate continues to warm then that may do something to mitigate the population advantage those poorer countries, very often in the hottest regions, will have. However, if most of their people end up illegally migrating to First/Second World countries, the tilt will still be there... just that those Third World countries will have attempted to supplant their host nations.

    While, as you know, I am contemptuous toward any aspiring dictator, one thing about Hungary's PM, Viktor Orban, is that he is (or at least claims to be) driving a focus upon encouraging specifically native Hungarians to have more offspring, specifically with each other rather than with migrants - which is something every country in the West should be doing. It is the native populations who have the fastest declining birth rates (just look at Italy in particular) and that are ageing the most, and the theories that native Britons/French/Italians/whatever may become a minority group in their own countries in a few generations' time certainly have some weight to them because of that. And I'm going to say it... we should not be encouraging multicultural relationships, at least not in the league that the leftists encourage in TV ads (where the 'perfect' family is at the very least mixed-race). Too much blending between people of different cultures will just dilute and wipe out those cultures from the minds of future generations.

    This certainly makes me all the more conscious of my unfortunate singledom, and my desire to turn it around and find someone (of native British origin and standing of course) to secure a sincere, committed, long-term relationship with and with whom I can pass my bloodline onto subsequent generations. Fortunately, I seem to be gaining ground and turning a few more female heads of late (or becoming more aware of said heads turning)...
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  17. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Lots and lots of world leaders, both democratic and autocratic are trying to encourage their population to have more babies.

    No one has figured out the magic formula to do this yet. The first industrialized culture that pulls this off will be the next super power in a hundred years.

    I have no idea how to convince people to have babies.
  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    It's really hard in our capitalistic society.

    women should chase career.
    people should reach finantial stability before forming a family (...and that's because mortgages for houses are a debt for life, so of course you need it.)
    men and women both must work, otherwise a single entry would not suffice.
    our society slowly but surely increased the difficulties for any young couple, so people shift their project for a full family 'til it's late.
    And if you have a couple of kids (so, just going on par) you are already lucky.
  19. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I would say only to a point, for men and women - too many people sacrifice their family life purely to focus on career-building.

    The problem is, here, that then you have both parents working, with neither having enough time (or worse, not enough interest) to look after their children, which prompts many families to ditch the children at their grandparents' house, or worse, at a nursery or in front of a screen for the whole day.

    Children need parental love and discipline specifically to maximise chances of growing into fully-functional citizens capable of contributing to society. The issue in this modern day is that too many parents think only of themselves, or their career, or both, and too few spend the time teaching their offspring how to play, how to be imaginative and creative, and how to tell right from wrong - and the result is an increasing number of children becoming delinquent even at an early age (very often they're 'diagnosed' with ADHD, Autism or another condition, but a lot of the time it's simply down to parents not teaching them the basic skills they need to know at their early age). I was fortunate enough to be raised by two very loving, committed, married parents who dedicated so much of their time to caring for me, teaching me and raising me, and I am eternally grateful for their time and effort. Every child deserves that, and I'd say needs that.

    Here's another problem though - the mindset that everyone should get married and have children young, very often when they're also doing other things like finishing education, getting started at work and so on. Additionally younger parents are less mature and experienced themselves, with less to teach their offspring.

    True, I am an only child and probably not the best example for contributing to stopping population decline, but now that I read your words I do think there needs to be a balance between being able to have a good-sized family to help slow the population decline but also producing a well-bred, well-behaved and educated family. We don't want future generations to continue the trend of delinquency that is persisting in our current society.
  20. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    that's also because once young couples were not alone. There was a strict tie within the families, often living near each other and relatives were helpful.
    his is no more, the family structure has been shattered or made moot due to distances.

    And regarding educations... once if a young boy was irrespectful, he was teached a lesson by any adult AND by his parents later.
    Now any behavior is excused.

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