I,ve been reading some of the end times stuff and when morsleib falls and destroys lustria did any of the lizardmen survive? I know it says that the meteors destroy lustria and only lord kroaks spell saves the world, but surely some lizardmen survived right? Were any of them outside of lustria when it happened? I've only read a bit of the end times books so it might say in one of the later books, if so let me know.
Well I'm only on book 2 at this point but Warhammer Fantasy wikia said that Kroak's magic dome did not protect Lustria nor the southlands, conviniently. I think Mazdamundi was confirmed dead in the story -- maybe he got resurrected in AOS? I don't care about that shit. Tetto'eko was probably dead by meteorite-self-unaliving, and a good number of named characters died but most are either new characters, or characters mentioned in passing in older editions. (LIke lord Hua-Hua was mentioned in the timeline but never a playable character.) Tehenhuain and Chaka got mentioned and wasn't skilled in the battles they were involved in, but probaby got obliterated by the morrslieb-drop anyway. Kroak was supposed to have died during the morrslieb drop too but I guess not in AOS.
technically, the End Times is just that. The End Times. Everyone died and the Warhammer World ended. If you want to talk about official lore, the only survivors went into AoS, escaping the destruction of the Old World one way or another. Everyone is free to dislike AoS and play WHFB, but by lore the old world died with the End Times. Even the "new" Old World is rooted in the past era of WHFB
There were the big temple ships that escaped the end times. Lots of lizards onboard who were put into stasis. In fact, escaping the End Times is the origins of my own current project. Some temple ships got thrown into the Warp by being bitchslapped by Chaos and came out into the 40k world rather than the AoS world. Plenty of lizards survived from what I read. But countless others would have been left behind. They even said they brought eggs of the cold-blooded creatures of Lustria with them.
It ìs not, and you know it. We can enjoy our old world as much as we want, we can invent fantastic alternate lores, we can have that world live again... but if we're talking about GW's stance on the matter, there no WHFB timeline progression past end times, and no official books if not AoS. but if we look at what only really matters, our hearts... the Old Wolrd will live and prosper forever
There isn't? My life is a lie! XD Problem with text format communications... can't tell if joking or not. ¬_¬ But in answer to the original post: Pretty certain that Kroq-Gar survived, I believe he was last seen entering a temple-city that became a temple-ship. Funnily enough, in one of the Age of Sigmar RPG adventure modules, it was strongly implied that Mazdamundi is alive. This was during the "Serephon are recreated by the memories of the Slann who summon them into existence" period, with the adventure being that a free-city had taken a golden plaque. Turned out that the plaque in question held a precious memory of the nearby Serephon enclave's slann. That memory being a much loved Stegadon. Probably only intended as a small easter-egg reference to Mazdamundi's prized stegadon, but at the time a fair few people were saying that it was proof that Mazadmundi is still kicking. Oxyotl... Don't recall anything definitive one way or the other, but considering he survived a long period in the Realms of Chaos once before, it totally wouldn't surprise me if he survived the same way that Gotrek did, just going Doomslayer Skink in the Realms of Chaos before they finally managed to find a way to evict him,