Been a while since i posted to LO but i've been lurking since the old world dropped. Been enjoying and getting games fairly frequently and decided to make a video on the lizardmen in the old world. The video touches on everything from the army composition, all the units and even the magic items worth a damn. Let me know what you think of it, even since writing and uploading it i think ive changed my mind on little thing
Okay I had a chance to read and I think you did well, a few times I disagree, only once or twice I'd have the audacity to say you're "wrong". My notes are as follows: - high magic is ordinary for us. Battle magic is a clear #1. - I may have misunderstood something you said, but you can't take lore of lustria with lore familiar. - personally I think cav spears are ordinary compared to obsidian blades - venom of the Firefly frog, would love you to expand on why you like it so much compared to say a biting blade. It can't go with magic weapons so I just don't see it. You said it goes well with a great weapon but at st7 you're really only bypassing a 2+ roll - ruby ring on a temple guard champ? It means you can only move the unit 4" - TG are fun of course if you're into infantry, but why would you be? The spears on our Saurus are fantastic, I've literally modded mine so they have them, I'll be furious if step up is introduced haha as it just changes the maths entirely - Cham skinks are straight up worse than skinks. You'd only take them through external restrictions - I can't think of any way to mitigate stupidity other than try to be within 18" of a Slann to get leadership 9? - why would anyone take piranha blade over giant blade? Aside from that I think you're accurate and it was a good video.
Thanks for taking the time to watch it and respond. To respond to a couple of points cause i did say my opinions have changed and some of them are these: Battle magic is probably the best spell lore, and high magic has gone down a lot in my mind after playing and using high magic a bit, the buff spells i like didnt last long enough, the extra attacks one is nice but SoS is right out. I probably will keep trying it but swap to battle magic every now and then. I went back and checked the rules for this, RAW you are right lore familar and lore of lustria(or faction lores) don't seem to work together. Wasnt aware of this as i think a lot play that it does. Hopefully it gets cleared up in an FAQ. Cav spears on the Saurus heros (i think your refering too) are much of a muchness. If you know your charging then you can do cav spear but i dont think my saurus heros get to hit and run. VotFF was mostly a meme and coukld be good with additional hand weapons, i was just salty about a misunderstanding with armour of the ages and dragons. It could be fun in a jam as much posion into a list. True on the movement with the RRoR on a TG, its a take if you want it but dont have any character magic items left, and wont move the slann much like in double carno maybe. I really like infantry! its why i play TOW, same with knights hence whinging about them too. I think spears are the go to but im glad we keep the HW to slap things harder on the charge. The step up comment is largely to highlight our infantry, for infantry, is kinda nice and wont need much to see our warriors do really well. Agreed. Cham skinks i've only used them while i wanted to get 5 more skinks for a new full unit. I think beside a joke i saw on here with the Wizard hat, troll lore and a way to intreput the rules that let you get Big Smartz, we're stuck with the slann to manage stupidity. PB vs GB is really close. GB is better with the Str+1. I honestly hadn't considered it and didn't think about. Especially given its 30pts to the PB 35. I do like the AP on the PB so i think ill try them out. Again thanks for the comments !
Problem with Cav spears is you don't get the -1AP in subsequent rojnds. So you get the bonus whilst charging but remain locked into using it until a "new combat" occurs which is not after a GG or FBIGO. So basically you better hope to make your opponents FBIGO (at least) each turn otherwise you get stuck using an inferior weapon. There are very few circumstances I'd prefer a cav spears over an obsidian blade. I like infantry too and playing the game how it was designed but, yeah, any 'review' of the list makes it hard to take this seriously. Poor infantry. PB vs GB is very close, but I think GB is marginally better with AB(2) and +1 st versus AP(-1). The fact that GB is one skink cheaper... PS. I want to love high magic so if you'd like to do a big defending it I'd be all ears The big problem I find with fury of khaine is the 90 degree vision arc on the Slann combined with needing to cast before movement. Enchantments are now quite difficult for us.
Yeah for cav spears are fine for the knights or rippers, when you know you can clear through in a turn, but for our heros id rather give them a good whacking stick instead. For PB vs GB, i'll run both and pick my favourite, i get iffy with no AP on weapons. Depending on how the lore familar vs faction lore works out i might drop it entirely cause fury of khaine is just not enough for me, although i forget tempest is good as is firey convocation.
Tempest is absolutely fantastic. Nothing can compete with pillar, but I think it's the second best vortex in the game. One interesting part of your video I hadn't considered was taking halberds instead of great weapons for Saurus characters. Helps us keep our initiative.
Pillar of fire is cracked. Battle magic is just strong. Halberds give us a nice inbetween of GW and our obisdian blades and let us keep the init 6 on the charge, which is enough to peel through some elves and WoC that get in the heros way. I think i might run it on BSB or in dual carno lists.
I have been thinking about High ever since that video, wondering how to make it work. One thing that occurred to me that I've never tried - Drain Magic with Arcane Vassal. Seems like a pretty good combo. The problem with this plan I think is then getting value out of Tempest at 12" and Fiery Convecation at 18" given you want to be over 24" from their caster. Walk between worlds as the fourth might help but that's a lot of successful positioning and casting to make the plan work.
It would be great but range self spell can't be channelled through arcane vassal. Unless you mean zone with drain magic and blast via the vassal ?
Ah damn, I knew there would be a reason I hadn't tried it before. You are correct. I really need to delete the old rule book from haha