Beginning a new Homebrew faction project, inspired by the Goroan Scion lore recently released. Eventually I'll be making my own custom rules for them, but for now I'm using Mawtribes + Kragnos rulesets A custom desteuction faction with what I'm calling "The Lost Races" (not as the faction name, just in general), basically races which the majority fell to chaos but still have / may have some pockets of resistance. Goroans are my main troops, but I'm also adding in some BoC, and other Ogroid races, and a Dragon Shaggoth which broke from their own curse/pact with Chaos which leads them. It's a faction based on these people's fighting against chaos to free the rest of their kin, in a nutshell. More to come before painting, needs more clean up as well
Thank you! I am working on some lore now, hoping to be able to pick up a Thaumaturage soon. Need some bits from an Ironjawz hero for my kitbash Idea though, so, we'll get there eventually lol
What is a new year without a new homebrew faction Great stuff as always, both kitbash-wise as lore-wise. Looking forward to your progress, and some completed models. Love your work friend Grrr, !mrhail
That's how I feel!! Every year needs a new faction, but more importantly...every year needs a completed project, so I'm working on that this year. Lol. I have two main goals this year, hobbywise: Complete this homebrew army idea, and Complete my Stormcast Skaventide box half. I'd like to finish a few other projects, but these are the two I'm going to be focusing on really finishing. 2025 is going to be a different hobby year, and just year in general for me - I'm feeling a fire i haven't felt in a long time, so here is to hoping it keeps burning. Been enjoying seeing your stuff on IG and the little bit I poked around and saw on here. As you say, Love your work friend! Here is to two great hobby (and regular) years for us, friend!