You could cut-and-refit his crossbow wrist so the butt end of the crossbow is on the ground and he's supporting it with one hand as he fends off an attacker?
I would say turn the sword into a crossbow bolt, but you'll need to rotate the hand around, say, 90 degrees clockwise to look more like he's going to reload his crossbow rather than using said bolt to hit his enemy over the head with (which wouldn't be the best way to use it even for a strong Uruk).
He already has made some of the pike warriors with those crossbows if I remember rightly, but you can't fault him for wanting to experiment with the other poses as well
Thanks all for the advise really helpfull. @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl correctly said I already converted two (broken) pike Uruk-hai to crossbow Uruk-hai. @JTSleep Exactly in the way that you proposed My thought for the new crossbow conversion is to use the warriors with shield, because there are too much of them in a box. I will give this one a try, thanks I will let you guys know how it turns out. Grrr, !mrahil
Family picture of all Isengard models (except 10 scouts still on sprue and a second Lurtz that I might convert into a scout captain ) Painted 748 pts of the total 1400-ish points One of the goals I like to tackle this year is to paint all of them Grrr, !mrahil
I had some one on one time with our youngest and he really wanted to paint another miniature. Well why not? Highly concentrated on the work at hand and he picked the most bright colors Grrr, !mrahil