Finished my commander finally! Or a commander. I'll deal with the base later Commander Yuq'rok-Muntoa. The most highly decorated Temple Guard Champion to make it out of the Great Catastrophe and wind up getting sucked into the Warp. It is now tasked with training young Saurus and leading small detachments against the enemies of the Guns of Sotek. It's featured in one of my battle reports before and will again as I have a game on tonight!
Got two more boys done! At this rate I should have a complete army by the time the sun burns out. These are two squad champions. One from the New Brood with the orange spines and a kilt, the other is of the Old Brood, looking fairly standard.
What basing I tend to do I use Geek Gaming Scenics Base Ready range. Just put the basing glue down, then apply the basing. Lovely stuff. My only advice is to get some plastic tubs to put the stuff in for storage and better application, else they're in bags you can't even reseal. It might not be the same as a truly personalised basing job, but it is an amazing product. Looks nicer than anything I ever managed to do otherwise.
It looks pretty good. I've got kind of a vision for my terrain which probably doesn't help. Looking to create some kind of swampy jungle ground with bits of broken machinery/metal plates/etc sticking out of it.