7th Ed. vs ogres 1k

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Lord Campman, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. Lord Campman

    Lord Campman New Member

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    Hi' I will play against stinky ogres and i will bring a very mobile-fast moving army with a lots of skinks and scor? Any ideas?
  2. El_Collyero

    El_Collyero New Member

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    I've only been playing for 6 months, but I've done very well against Ogres..At low points levels, Krox and 30-40 skinks are the perfect place to start. If the Ogre player doesn't take any Leadbelchers, your skinks will become heros; the only way to deal with them will be to charge them when and where you want. The things that have worked well for me:

    -4 dispel dice- at this point level you should shut down the Butcher (I use 1 priest and iave general Tepok)

    -Lore of Heavens- A lvl 2 caster throwing Portent on skinks and 2nd Sign on Krox who roll 1s to wound is very effective against Ogres. Could be the difference in landing that 3rd wound that removes an Ogre model. You'll be getting lots of shots in w/ Skinks and Salamanders, so Portent should pay off in spades.

    -JSOD on flank - Also a unit of SCOR on flank w/ Huanchi's Totem - combined they eliminate flanking unit of bulls/ironguts. Last week on turn 2 I killed 3 ran down the other 2. Proved to be fatal for Ogre player with only 5 units to begin with. You might not have enough points at 1k for both, so JSOD on flank will give you nice enough advantage

    -Left Maneaters alone until the end- Distract them w/ skinks, priest, and Salamander until you can dual charge with heavy hitters. Don't engage Maneaters early b/c they are stuborn. Getting stuck in combat and hit in flank by bulls of Ironguts is exactly what the Ogre player wants.

    -Cham Skinks - Create a big matchup problem for Ogres w/ little shooting. Against Ogres, I'd take them hands down over reg. skink scouts, as march blocking on turn 1 is critical since Ogres move so darn fast. If you're lucky your oppenent will take a Hunter or Yetties on the flank. Deny that flank and own the opposite with the JSOD and it's all over but the crying.

    Happy Hunting.
  3. Lord Campman

    Lord Campman New Member

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    I' ve made this list exactly against ogres and i'm looking forward what will he do with this army :D
    Unluckly i have no kroxies but the CO riders do their job well !

    Heroes: Scar-vet on CO: Itzl, Tepok, LA, shield, Sword of battle (he will join to the SCOR) => 142 pts
    Skink priest: lvl2, dispell scroll => 125pts

    Core: 10 skink: blowpipe, scout => 70 pts
    10 skink: blowpipe, scout => 70 pts
    10 skink: javelin+shield => 60 pts
    10 skink: javelin+shield => 60 pts

    Special: 6 SCOR: standard bearer, musician, Huanchi's blessed totem => 280 pts

    Rare: 3 Salamander => 195 pts

    It's 1002 pts
  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ogres have a real hard time manuvering, so skinks can really take advantage of that by moving to their flanks constantly and just shooting them. Ogres don't have much armor so poison works fantastic against them.
  5. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Dont forget that the advice given above does not necessarily take into account the less traditional units in an OK list (i.e. Leadbealchers, Yhetees). Although at 1k you probably wont see a lot of units besides bulls (except perhaps lots of gnoblars), it is likely that your opponent will include at least 1-2 of these units.

    And as per El_Collyero advice, I would also suggest fitting in a JSOD so you can roll both flanks (plus its cheaper pts wise).
  6. Doom Lizard

    Doom Lizard New Member

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    Also unless you know for a fact that he fields a butcher i would take out the priest unless you wanted to magic him. At such low points he can't take a butcher without a bruiser (or the hero equal) and both of those tooled up modestly will take a lot of his points. Just remember the first rule or war; Pick a target and utterly destroy before moving on. And second; March block like crazy and fight only on your terms. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  7. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Doom Lizard brings up a very good point about the 1 to 1 butch/bruiser ratio. If your opponent does not field a butcher, then you could conceivably use the spare points for another CC unit (an additional Scar Vet for the aformentioned JSOD, or a unit of Krox which would do well what with all the skinks running around).
  8. Lord Campman

    Lord Campman New Member

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    This guy surely takes a butcher and a bruiser, one unit leadblecher and no gnoblars (!), so i fitted for a very little number CC oriented OK army. First i think i will hunt down the leadblechers with the scouts so there will be only CC units and the butcher
  9. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    A friend of mine played Ogres for a while.
    Because we only play at 1K, he recieved the short end of the stick time and time again.

    Skinks ruin the day. Poison VS high toughness and no save...gotta love that!
    Leadbelchers,charge them with your kroxen through a screen. Measured diastance for there stand and shoot is the front of your screen!!

    Lure him. Ogres turn slow. With some skinks along the way you can wield him all over the place.
    Also Sallies can kick some behind as well.

    Force him to make as many LD tests as you can..(Most of the time, Killing a single Ogres is enough!)
    If he fails (i mean when he fails)...It can and will wreck his boardpossition completely!

    I noticed. This was a reply to a post from "decades" ago. How did it go?

    Btw. That friend of mine switched to Dwarves :rolleyes: . His Ogres got kicked around bij the O&G, Tomb King and Lizzie playa!
  10. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    I play OK alot, I'll post some later, just wanted to point out your general on a CO costs 20 more points than you put, so your army is really 1022 pts.
  11. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    Here is my 1000 point list I've done good with.

    Great Weapon, Heavy Armor, Wyrdstone Necklace


    Bulls x 3 Bellower

    2 x Ironguts x 3

    Trappers x 9

    Fighters x 20


    Leadbelcher x 2

    Against your list I'd aim everything at your calvary to start. You have 7 models equalling over 45% of your total points. With 12 movement on my part and maybe a gorger coming in from behind you couldn't keep your calvary away from my units forever.

    With my trappers you probably will only get 1 unit to scout. There usually is not enough room for 3 scouts.

    With 4 casting dice and a bound spell some gut magic will get through. However you have 4 casting dice to my 3DDs, so some of your magic will get through too. Don't forget more often than not its better for you to use your casting dice to dispel any gut magic remain in plays. And ALWAYS assume a lone butcher at 1000 points has the bangstick.

    It seems kind of dumb, but you'll lose close combat so its better to march block with your skinks and avoid with your calvary as much as possible. You skinks will slowly kill off ogres.

    Might be better to use a JSoD insead so you split your points up more. Last game I killed 5 coldone knights with 1 bonecruncher spell. If that happened to you, you lost so many points. I hate putting all my points in 1 unit at such a low level.

    To further avoid the point sinks and apply what Colleero said, you could drop the magic banner and 1 knight from your coldones and add a cameleon skink unit.
  12. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    @ Pinkus: That's a decent list of Ogres at 1K!

    I can Only agree with the pointers given....SCOR is not that steady as Kroxigors are. (I know you do not have those guys, but imho they are SO much better!)

    As for your list....You will get you a$$ handed to you!
    Ogres are fast and want to be in combat asap! Otherwise they will die very, very quick! When they hit, they hit hard. If they pull the charge on your SCOR some will die and there goes allotta!! points.....Kroxes on the other hand wil eat them for breakfast...well,... oke maybe lunch.....hmmm, well, that is a bit over the top, but they stand a better chance of survival then SCOR!! (He hits on 4's and wounds on 4's with a 5+ save (If i am correct they are str. 4....correct me when i am wrong), You hit on 4's and wound on 2's no save!)
    If you have to field SCOR (because you do not own Kroxigors...) field a max of 5 and no magical banner! Then you have a unit of 175 pts, that's enough..(Just to mention it again 3 kroxes are 174 pts and have 12 wounds vs 5 of your SCOR)

    You can now use these points to field an extra unit of something.....

    And as mentioned before......field a Nike-saurus! Just to babysit your skinks or something! With the bangstick and that spell that forces you to take a ld-test or flee. That butcher got some potential to handle the skinks! Cold blooded is oke, but when trying to make a 5, thats hard even when rolling 3 die! (immune to poison seems to help thet dude as well :smug: )
  13. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    Bulls have strength 4 but use ogre clubs which count as armor piercing, so a unit of bulls will hit on a 4, wound on a 4 and reduce armor by 2. However, ironguts hit on a 4, wound on a 2 and reduce armor by 3.

    Model for model krox are better than bulls, but against ironguts it could go any which way except the guts are slightly cheaper.

    I'd run my butcher solo vs your skinks, you'd be hitting him on 5s or 6s and wounding on 6s. Even 20 shots at a time will find it hard to wound that thing. You could get lucky, but he could also have regen on, or next turn heal any wound you put on.

    Say you move + shoot, multishot you're hitting a butcher on 6s with 20 shots. You'll hit on average with 3. Now you need a 6 to wound, meaning on average you'll put 0.5 wounds on him, while if his nuke goes off, on average he's killing 3-4 skinks.
  14. El_Collyero

    El_Collyero New Member

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    Don't forget that Skink darts and javs are poisonous. Three auto wounding 6s is not something to take lightly.
  15. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    @ El_Collyero: The butcher is immune to poison, so those 6's still need 5's to even hit!

    @ Pinkus: I would not waste my skinks on a butcher. Only to screen...Shootin' that dude take like forever.
    Nope i found that other Ogres die with more ease....It's just some of the nasty gut magicspells the butcher can do that will hurt/panic the little ones.....

    Characters or hard hitters are for the butcher...That's one nasty Ogre to hit or wound....
    Is that guy down, you own the magic phase though!
  16. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    Completely agree. Ogre heroes are very tough to kill. Even in hand to hand combat don't throw any attacks at them, just kill off the unit and chase the hero down.

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