Hello all! Thought I'd share my progress on my bastiladon here. I've had some trouble in the past uploading photos, as the colors seem to wash out when I upload them via photobucket. I'll just provide a link to my paint blog to my bastiladon entry, as the image colors seem to hold true there. I still have some work to do on the crystal and some of the base, but it's getting close! http://lacklustria.wordpress.com/2013/11/11/933/ I'm still learning a lot about painting, a lot of it by trial and error, so I know I can always improve. Comments and critiques welcome!
Looks great so far! Looking forward to seeing it once you've finished those things you're working on.
Looks very similar to my own...I am guessing you bought the Painting lizardmen ebook like me... that being said, it looks good
No, it was entirely my own color scheme. I looked at some of the other pics on this forum for tips when it came to detailing the armor plates, but that was it. Great minds, I guess.
I like your Basi, however going slightly off topic; I read your movement tray article, may I suggest you try steel? You can buy a meter square of .5mm steel for about £5 (approx 10 square feet, 1/50th of an inch, $8) that you can cut up with tin snips that would prove cheaper, quicker and more sturdy than your current method. Just a thought, and nice blog
I'm not terribly concerned about the sturdiness of the trays, as is. The magnetic strips are pretty darn thick and adhere well to the wood. You're absolutely right on the cost and build-speed, though. Using thin steel sheets would make the trays much cheaper and quick-to-build. Looks like I'm going to have to go a-hunting at the hardware store once I decide to build more! Thanks for the advice, and stop by the blog any time!
Thank you so much for posting your images. I want to make a comment, but I REALLY don't want you take this the wrong way since art is TOTALLY subjective. Here goes. I am generally an edge-highlight sort of painter. When I look a the Bastiladon, I see all the Tron-like tiles and I wonder if I should stick to my normal technique or go more like the images in the book. Because you went "Tron" I got to see how it would look and that really was helpful for me. I think I'll de-emphasize the "Tron" highlight technique after seeing it in real life. What you have done looks good, but it also shows me that my TOTALLY personal aesthetic choice is the other direction, so thanks for your work and for sharing!
Hey, thanks for the comment! Yeah, I wanted a more patterned look for the armor, so I went with the "Tron" technique (definitely LOL'd when I read that). I think it looks badass, but I'd bet your technique might look more "natural." I may still go over the edges with a rougher, less linear highlight, but at this point I have other unpainted models that need some attention. Anyways, I'm glad I could help you figure out what you don't like! Look forward to seeing your interpretation on the boards! Also, isn't the model just a dream to assemble? I was afraid it would require a lot of front-end sanding and attention, but everything fit together perfectly right off the sprue!