Blog Dat Wan Gai's Newbie Lizardmen Log

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by DatWanGai, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    My skink chieftain is scheduled to come either today or tomorrow so i'm looking forward to it! But in the meantime, I've been painting (And finishing) My two other Ripperdactyl + Riders, so far it's looking good, I don't have any pictures at the moment, but i'll add them once they're done. I noticed that the kit comes with an extra rider so I might just add him to my collection as a champion, however since the model is in a crouched position and is generally smaller than the rest, I thought I might compensate with the base, thought of adding sort of an angled rock so he would crouch on it and look overall awesome. However I am hesitating since my basing skills do not exceed static grass and sand, so I would really appreciate any tips you can give me.

    I've also been contemplating the color of the war paint I was going to add to my skink chief. I will make my chief Bluelike the rest of my skinks, but I was thinking in adding either White or Red ( Maybe even Orange ). I really like blue and white, but I think the red would make it pop much more. So what do you think? I'll be posting pictures soon!

  2. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwweeee Yeah!


    So.. *sigh* My skink chief didn't arrive yet (God F***ing damnit!), so i've been entertaining myself with the Ripperdactyl and the skink riders. Here comes the good news

    As I've stated in the reply right above, I've noticed there was an extra Ripperdactyl/Terradon rider that I could use, so I decided to add him to my skink batalion, the problem however was that the model was way too small compared to the other skinks and it would make him look weird, so I decided to compensate by finding a small, slightly tilted rock so it could seem as if the rider would be crouching on it preparing to strike! ( I asked for tips earlier but since i'm so impatient I decided to get on with it after about 10 minutes from the post LOL).

    So I spent lots of time looking in regular places for these small rocks (Which was sort of embarrassing cause you don't usually see a 16 year old crouching on the floor looking for rocks in the middle of the sidewalk right?), fortunately luck was on my side and after the 3rd rock I found one that satisfied me quite a bunch!

    Anyway, here is my rider on the rock right beside Mik'ru for scale



    I've added some static grass to add some... PuhZaaz!

    And here is the newly painted Ripperdactyl (With the one left to paint in the background) Along with a couple of skinks, the Rider, and Mik'ru

    My question for the Chief's warpaint still stands if anyone has an opinion over it.
    Bye Guys! I can honestly say I've never had so much fun painting until just recently. ALL HAIL LIZARDMEN!
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    As for warpaint, I'd try red and yellow. Since your LM are blue, going red and yellow warpaint will give you all primary colors which should pop visually. It worked for Superman anyway.
  4. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Holy. F***ing. S**t..........

    Let me explain that sudden exclamation.
    As some of you may know already, I've been waiting on my skink warchief to arrive from mail. I decided I wouldn't update until it arrives. Well. Today after a whole MONTH of complications this guy FINALLY came in. ( It took a lot of time because of problems on the way, not gonna go into that in detail for now )

    It's pretty late, so tomorrow i'll paint this nasty bugger. But for now I'll leave you with this primed version of him

    I've also been doing some other stuff that I'll talk about in later updates.
    Bye and stay tuned.
  5. IronJaw
    Cold One

    IronJaw Member

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    Very nice job in the crouching Skink. Very dynamic.
  6. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Finished! I'm particularly proud about this one skink. Best so far IMO. Decided I wasnt going to add any warpaint ... Yet

    Below the pictures of the cheif I'll show you the "unfinished project" i've been working on while i waited on my cheif.




    As for my next project, I'll be finishing up the last of my saurus.
    Stat tuned i'll post pics once they're ready.
    Got any feedback about any of the previous models? Dont be afraid to tell me!

  7. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Gave my chief the normal skink base because he didn't fit in the on that came with him.

    I like him alot.

    i have to change the triangle setup from blue / red on the one i just started, damn!
  8. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Well its been more than a month since I last updated, unfortunately current events are leaving me physically and mentally exhaust most days so painting isn't a possibility these days. The most I've done was buy a stegadon and base coat it... Although I'm not in the mood to paint anything anymore I believe this will pass eventually and I'll be back to painting in no time! Either way sorry for the dissapointment if you expected me to put up some awesome stuff...

    Cya l8er
  9. Kugelfang

    Kugelfang Member

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    Great job. I really like your models and your ripperdactyls. Keep it up.
  10. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    I'm back !

    God it feels so good to paint again.

    I'm gonna keep this short cause screw words. I just wanted to show you what i've been up to recently, Here is my Stegadon and to be honest I think this is a pretty damn good achievement.



    These pictures are a little outdated so the stegadon mount or structure isn't finished, the steg itself though is.
    Now here's where I got REALLY EXCITED. I tried my hand at conversion for the second time, and considering my last fail I think I did pretty well. I tried converting two skinks, one of them wearing a dragon skull for a helmet and some back armor simulating bone wings, he holds a dark elf sword and shield that he claimed in previous triumps (or so I say...). The other one is a try at recreating the mane of a Dilophosaurus (search it up, it appeared in jurasic park), although it didn't go TOO well, I'm satisfied with what I did, I gave him wings which belong to a high elf general's helmet as well as his sword, he'll be holding a skaven shield and he has a rat's tail attached to his own.




    Not all the detail can be seen due to the white primer and white background (Nice going DatWanGai) but i'll show more pictures once painted.

    Here's my question for my superiors. What color should I paint these two champions. I was thinking of All 'round Gold but the danger there is that it might in the end look like one big blob of gold. I've tried it on another skink to test it out and it seemed fine to me ( I didnt finish it though.) . So tell me what you think guys! I'll leave you with my golden skink.


    (P.S the rest of my lizardmen army is the traditional turquoise blue color aside for minor exeptions)
  11. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    I admire your enthusiasm, and your willingness to experiment with new concepts. With time and patience your conversions will become seamless!

    I have a minor niggle about the dragon skink, in so far as I can tell its an elf hand, its wider than his other hand and it still has the armour on it. If you take the time to file off the armour plate it will help unify the hand wit the arm, and maybe trim away that extra finger :p

    I think an all gold look would be a little rich (pun intended) and the conversion work should set them apart from their army...

    If your determined on a different scheme, dark grey and bone for your dragon.

    For the flyer, try a lighter coloured belly, with a darker top, it makes it harder to be seen by both predators and prey when its airborn.
  12. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Thank you very much Axolotyl for your honest and constructive critisisms.
    I've tried carving off the extra finger on the bone skink, it's worked out fine and it looks good on the "fingers side" of the hand, however the back of the hand still looks like a glove and I'm afraid to cut anymore, will surely try though.
    As for paint scheme, part of me is glad you talked me out of painting it all in gold. Since I'm not one bit original, i've decided to paint him grey with dark blue scales (along with all the gold, silver and bones of course)

    As for the color scheme for the other one, i'll try to mimic the Jurasic Park dinosaur's color (dark green, white underbelly, some red scar-like skin textures maybe) it will be a challenge but I believe myself somewhat capable. The wings were supposed to be clipped off a high elf's helmet, which means i'll go for a rusty gold, maybe dry brush it with silver to show that the color fell off with time.

    I'll finish with the bone/dragon one first and later move on to the other one.
    I also want to try out some basing techniques to make my skink chiefs look complete but I've never tried it before or gone further than the GW static grass and sand.
    Thanks for the feedback and if you have some more I welcome it full heartedly.
  13. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    If you was to mix different grades of sand/coarse sand in a sealable tub, give it a shake, you get a great basing medium. Paint PVA glue onto the areas you want the medium on and place the model in a tray/saucer and sprinkle the mix over the base. Give it a moment or two, the shake the excess off and leave it to dry for an hour or two, you can then spray the base with the model.

    Paint it steel legion drab, just give it a good coat, then dry brush zandri dust over it and that will give you a good texture, again use PVA glue and static grass to break it up, and you have a fine rocky/grassy base that looks authentic!
  14. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I agrees, thats the same thing I do with my basing. :artist:

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