Whether you are skulking through the undergrowth or flattening swathes of the forest with a horde of monsters, I greet you one and all! I'm Charlie, from London though generally in a gaming context I go by Hilburn due to an incident with a character in Baldurs Gate 2 which involved.. well burning down a hill, except it was the wrong hill. Little bit about me; played WFB and 40k when I was younger, along with a bit of Mordheim and BloodBowl and whatnot. Mostly played Dwarves and Brettonians a lot, for different reasons, my dwarves were sentimental and awesome. The moment when a quarreller champion steps up after his entire unit has been slaughtered in CC and kills the Khorne hero on Juggernaut whodunit before charging a unit of chosen Khorne warriors in the rear and running them down (there was another friendly unit in the combat for that one) is not soon forgotten, and I still have the converted, bloodsplattered model standing atop a pile of warrior corpses. Brettonians were just because I liked painting them and we had an RPG event at my local GW that I played through with a Bret hero, the army sort of accumulated.. Anyway I think I last played in v6, certainly hordes and measuring cannon shots is news to me. Since then I've done a fair number of extravagant conversions and paint jobs for friends and family, but haven't had much spare time for full on collecting and playing. I love making my charcters, command groups, monsters, and if I'm being honest units too as unique as possible through conversions or just plain sculpting what I want and then spending an inordinate amount of time painting them. I even experimented with powering a SM Dreadnought with 3 micro-robotic servos which was (mostly) successful Don't be on the lookout for any paint/build logs for a while though, having just graduated university I decided to pack up and avoid the real world by cycling from London to Melbourne (apart from the water bits), am currently in Vietnam and a particularly Jurassic Park-esque national park got me thinking about some cool lizardmen conversions I could do and then that got me thinking about collecting again when I get back and that got me here. Plogs will start in March/April 2014 (cycling is not the most reliable form of transport in terms of an end date) Peace
Welcome to L-O! Looks like you've got yourself quite the adventure planned. This site hosts an international community, so don't be afraid to hit up local shops around the globe during your quest. I hear the guys in Australustria are a bit crazy though, so be careful down there. Looking forward to the March/April conversions.